(pt.9) he knows....!!

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No body had questioned why tommy was attached to dream all day because they thought it was just a little cute. Dream on the other hand was not having fun because he couldnt even go to the bathroom on his own all because tommy insisted on going everwhere with him.

Though with these actions Dream could now finnaly figure out whats going on with tommy so whilst tommy slept he did some research and boy did he search alot of things to find out.

"Child adult"
"Adult child"
"Child actions from adult"

Yes some of the searches were silly but it did give him some answers and one of those was.......... age regression. Dream decided to look into it more and as he did he relised this might be whats happening with tommy.

Then he came to the conclusion that maybe tommy doesnt know hes regressing. He had decided to ask tommy once he had woken up because he just looked too peacfull sleeping.
So he just went down stairs to the rest of them and decided to join their conversation wich coincidently was about tommy.

"He looked so cute attached to him"

Niki said in a very high pitched voice, this was most likely from excitement.

"Dreams stolen my brother "

"Will, its not dream whose taken him its tommy who's taken dream"

Wilbur and phil start having a conversation about how tommy has captured dream.

" dream has an admirer"

"Quackity, thats stupid"

This qoute from techno caused an argument.

Karl looked over at the stairs and spotted dream, he waved for him to come over and patted the seat next to him. He walled over and took the spot next to karl.

"So hows tommy doing?"

"Hes asleep at the moment and i did some research on his actions the last few days and what i found did come as a shock"

Karl looked at him and confusion and quirked his head to the side a little.

"What was it that you found?"

"Well i dont think i should say it now because i havent confronted tommy yet but once i do ill tell you , okay?"

Karl nodded agreeing with dream, and then turned his head over to sapnap to converse with him.

After about an hour or so of dream sitting there he thought it was about time to go see if tommy was awake.

He got up and walked up the stairs and walked to his bedroom -which was the largest one- and opened the door to see tommy sat in bed looking at the wall. That wasnt the only thing though, he had also stolen one of dreams hoodies.

Dream looked tommy dead in the eyes but couldnt hold it for too long, because tommy just looked so innocent and pure.

'Why cant he be like this all the time'

Dream walked over to tommy and sat down next to him. He ruffled tommys hair softly watching as a smile came on tommys face.

"Hiya dweam"

"Hi buddy, how was your sleep?"

Tommy nodded at dream signalling that he had a good sleep. Dream nodded after woods .


Tommy looked at him.

"Theres something i wanted to talk to you about..."

Tommy started panicking coming back to his senses and many thoughts started to run through his mind.

'Oh god does he think im weird'
'Has he found out'
'No no no....'

Tommy looked at dream with panic in his eyes but asked calmly,

"What is it Dream?"

"Well i noticed recently how you had been acting...."

This made tommy panic a bit more.

"And decided to research why it might be happening..."

This was like a nightmare for tommy.

" and i think i found out why, but please dont worry...."

Dream hugged tommy rocking him back and forth, now noticing that tommy was silently crying.

"Because im not going to judge you and it really is fine, okay?"

Tommy looked at dream and was still crying but nodded slightly and went back into dreams embrace.

{A/n: okay im back  alive, sorry again that you had to wait a long time. Anywho im thinking of doing more stories but have no clue what to do so cany you give me some ideas, please?

Also i hope youve been happy and have been having nice days & i hope your all allright}

Fluffy Feeling(age Regression)Where stories live. Discover now