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I often feel like a ghost, who takes up just a little too much space.
Things get a little crazy, and I just can't handle it here so I wish I could just disappear.
I know I can't though, but the world doesn't go at my pace,
It'll leave me behind, it'll leave me in my fear.

I’ve wished a thousand wishes but all of them I seem to have misplaced,
I just remind myself that all I have now is to persevere,
But I can’t help but feel as if I'm easy to replace,
Although I'm near, it feels like no one wants me here,
Even though that might not be the case,
It just has always felt that severe.

It's hard to explain you see, I've always felt like a disgrace,
And every day, it feels like I'm at war, on the frontier,
And as you see, I've never felt I've had anyone's embrace,
Because I know I would interfere,
But as I see my friends go, I can't help but give in and chase,
Maybe they will stay if they see I'm will to go with them, even if the destination is unclear,
As my mind fills with hope, new happy memories with them it begins to trace,
Maybe they will see that I am sincere.

But they win the race, 
And it seems like everything becomes crystal clear,
As they begin to undo me, memories of me they efface,
I can't help but feel the heavy atmosphere,
With so much grace, they leave me here, and I can only brace,
As I sit there alone now, I feel a tear,
Not here, not now, don't give me hope that I can retrace.
I look at myself, I see how I appear.
With my imaginary friend and my own fingers I interlace,
"It's time to go, a different place awaits,"
So now I disappear, 
Maybe I'll find my place,
I hope that, one day, it will all be clear.

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