Red Tears

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My blood fills my hands with sorrowful tears
How did I come to such a saddened state?
My body begs me to let go of it
It crys out to me, my soul crys the same.

My blood is beyond my hands and sorrow 
My body shakes, my tear stained face begging
It was not me who held it, I promise
Destruction- freedom lay within their wake.

How might I say this with delicate words?
The one of whom they used to know is gone
I run my hands through my hair, rough and damp
Red drips on my face mimicking the tears.

As the blood left my hands, I did too go
Beyond the feeling that haunted me here
Finding solace, the waves take over me
My breath is gone now, so effortlessly.

Who will pay the price of my blood and tears?
The night goes dark, the comfort is in there
The cold feels warm, the empty feels fully 
The tears flow once more before I go there.

My blood has stained my hands and shirt dark red
The tub fills with the insides of my head
I write their name on the wall in red hate
A letter of leave, of a found mistake.

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