Chapter 4

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I ran faster than I ever have before, "MOM!!" I was panicking. I tried to run past the police officers but one grabbed me. "Let me go!!! I need to get to my mom!!" I yelled but his grip didn't let up. I started struggling to get away, "Where the fuck is my mother!?!" I felt hot tears rundown my face. "Listen son, your mother is in that ambulance over there... I can't let you see here at the moment." That pissed me off even more, "Don't call me son! You're not my father! Let me go I need to see her!!" I yelled before biting him as hard as I could. As soon as his grip let up I bolted towards the ambulance. But when I saw her, I never regretted anything more in my entire life.

She was beaten to the point where I could hardly recognize her. She had drips and cables all over her, and oxygen tank basically keeping her alive. "M-mom?" as I walked closer to her lifeless body, I realized she wasn't conscious. That's when I broke.

I collapsed onto my knees and hugged her, "M-m-mom please... I need you; I don't k-know what happened... please, please, I'm begging you please be okay... You're all I have..." I felt someone pull me back and I screamed, "Leave me alone!! Let me fucking go! Please I need my mom..." I didn't expect them to let go of me, but when they did, I quickly got onto the stretcher and cuddled up. Crying into my mom's shoulder, "Please... I'm begging you, be okay..."

"I'm sorry for this..." I heard someone say before feeling a prick in my arm. Soon everything went dark.


(303 words)

This was Chapter Four of "Where's my Happy Ending (Sad Bakugou)" this chapter was not written by me. This chapter belongs to original owner of this fanfic, you can find their profile in the description or the first part I published. Editing and spelling corrections where done by me and bakubitchh7!

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