Chapter 8

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Bakugou sat against the door for the next few hours slowly calming himself down. And as he calmed, he noticed what he had done to himself.

He felt the now cold and dry blood crumble from his face. He got up in a hurry to look at the full damage. "Shit" he spoke finally seeing himself.

"What the fuck did I do?!" Raising a hand to touch his wounds he saw his hands covered in blisters and blood as well. "Fuck!" He yelled before grabbing his school clothes and heading to the bathroom.

Taking a shower was painful, yet oddly soothing towards the blonde. The hot water burned his fresh wounds, the soap only making it worse. But he continued through the pain, knowing he needed to clean up anyways.

Finally getting out of the now almost boiling water, he looked at himself once again. Looking in the mirror he felt weak, almost useless. He couldn't pick out why.

Shading his vision from the mirror he quickly got dressed not wanting to see himself any longer.

Exiting the bathroom, he jumped seeing Izuku standing right outside the door. He tried rushing off as to not make conversation with the green head but was cut off.

"Kacchan are you okay? You were in their for a long time, is your head, okay?" Izuku asked frantically only to receive no answer. "Please Kacchan talk to me, did I do something?" Izuku asked, yet again receiving no answer.

Accepting defeat, Izuku stepped to the side of the hallway allowing Bakugou to pass. Izuku watched Bakugou walk to his new room, confusion and tears in his eyes.

The drive to school was nothing but uncomfortable for both teens. Inko kept looking at them having sensed the tension.

"Is everything alright boys?" She asked, wondering where the peaceful vines from the hospital went.

"Everythings fine auntie/mom" both boys answered simultaneously. Now Inko knew something was wrong but decided against asking further. Bakugou had a very rough night and it was only natural for a teenager to act this way.

When they arrived at the school Bakugou was reluctant to leave the safety of the car. He doesn't know if his mother's case has gotten on the news yet, and if so who has seen it.

Not to mention that fact that everyone Bakugou came in contact with could be in danger. He was terrified and the Midoriya's shared his fear.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the car door breathing in the fresh air. Looking around he saw a familiar face and froze.

He saw his father amongst the students. But when one passed in front of him, he disappeared.

Bakugou was shaking, he wasn't ready to go back to school yet. He couldn't go back.

"Katsuki dear are you alright?" Inko's caring voice snapped him from his spot.

"Y-yeah Auntie I'm fine, sorry." His voice was quite, but before Inko could reply again he shut the door and walked towards the school.

Walking into the building he immediately saw Kirishima, and tried to avoid him. Unfortunately for him Kirishima spotted him and quickly made his way over.

"Hey Bakubro!" He yelled waving his hand. "Wait up dude!" He yelled again squeezing through the crowd of students.

Bakugou only quickened his pace at the sound of his voice. Ducking into his class he hoped Kiri would give up. But of course, the red head is very persistent.

"You're walking fast today" Kiri said with a bright smile.

"Go away shitty hair!" Bakugou growled, trying and failing to scared the other away.

"Come on man I thought we were past this?" Kiri smiled once again taking a seat next to the blonde.

"Just go idiot, some shit happened and it's not safe around me right now." Bakugou whispered looking into his best friend's eyes.

Kiri laughed at first thinking he was joking, but looking into the blondes' eyes Kirishima realized how serious he really was.

"What happened?" Kiri whispered. "I-" Bakugou paused, think of a way to tell him without telling him.

"I can't say right now, come with me after school. But after I tell you, you can't tell anyone and you have to promise not to come near me until all of this is over." Kirishima only nodded his head, before walking to his seat.

The day went by slow, the anxiety building by the hour. Bakugo regretted mentioning anything to Kiri. But he knew he needed to tell someone. He also knew that if he didn't tell the other that he wouldn't leave him alone no matter what he did.

Bakugou had been called out several times during his classes for not paying attention. His mind just kept wandering back to the face he saw that morning. The face he knew oh so well, amongst his classmates and friends. He was scared. he didn't know if he had imagined the man or if he was really there, watching him.

School came to an end with a few close calls with the principal for the blonde. He only grew more anxious as he walked towards the gates. Waiting for his friend, he was very paranoid.

He sighed in relief finally seeing the red hair of the boy he was meeting. Only to once again freeze seeing the hair of his father following closely behind.

Quickly he ran towards Kirishima, grabbed his wrist and dragged him away. The red head was confused, but didn't question the others actions figuring he had good reason to do so.

On the way to the Midoriya household Bakugou was constantly checking behind and around them. Kirishima was yet again confused, but still decided to stay quiet knowing the blonde would explain.

When Bakugou turned to unlock the Midoriya's door, Kirishima finally decided to speak his confusion. "What are we doing at Midoriya's house dude?" Bakugou only gave him a saddened look before entering the house.

Kirishima knew that entering this home would provide him with the answers he wanted, and possibly more unanswered. But he needed know what was going on.

So, taking a deep breath he stepped into the house.

1024 words~

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