Chapter 9

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Bakugou was scared, so scared that telling Kirishima would put him in direct danger. In all honesty, if that man he kept seeing really was his dad, Kirishima was already in the middle of it. So Kirishima deserved to know, not only that but he needed to know. Kiri needed to know that he could be in danger.

Bakugou silently watched Kirishima take his jacket and shoes off before motioning for him to follow. The silence was oddly loud, like the air around them was screaming. No words could be made of this silence, but they both knew the words were all around them.

Sitting on Bakugou's floor, neither looking at each other. Kirishima's head was piling with questions and he couldn't hold them any longer.

"Alright man what is going on? You were acting really weird at school and the whole way here. Also why are we at Midoriya's? You were so serious at school and then quiet and I'm just supper confused dude." Kiri ranted.

Bakugou made eye contact for the first time since the entered the house, his eyes holding back tears. "I- a lot has happened in the past 24 hours..." he spoke. Kirishima waited patiently for him to continue hoping maybe, somehow, he could help.

"My... my mom was killed by my father" he spoke slowly, lowering his gaze to the floor. "I got knocked out and went to the hospital, when I woke up Aunt- Deku's mom was there. Later Deku came as well, him and I talked for a while caught up on everything. And now I'm living here with them until the dorms are built..." he paused, but Kirishima could tell there was more. Something else that the blonde was hesitant to tell.

"At the hospital I was told that... that my father was l-looking for-for me... he des-destroyed my room, they think my mom was trying to 'protect me' or whatever" he spoke, tears hitting the hard wood flooring beneath him.

"And I kept seeing him today at school and he was near you" he threw his hands in front of him gesturing towards the red head. "So, if my father is coming after me, anyone near me is in danger! All of you! And the Midoriya's stupidly took me in..." a broken sob broke his ranting.

Kirishima placed a hand on the blonde's knee, silently telling him he was there for him. That he was still listening, and he could stop if he wanted to.

Bakugou took a few deep breaths, feeling the panic from this morning start to come once again. He was shaking, but still tried to continue.

"I-I I just don't want anyone to get hurt because of me... I'd rather him get me than put any of you in danger! I probably could take him if I tried but... what does he want with me? I'm a shitty person, what could be so important about me that's worth the lives of others? J-just wh-why...?"

Kirishima wasn't sure what to say, he was shocked to say the least.

"Thank you for telling me... I promise to stay away, but know that I will always have your back whether you want me to or not. You're my best friend and I know you need someone too, just know that you're not going through this alone. I'll try to keep others away too but I'd not know how well that's gonna go..." Bakugou chuckled a little.

"Wow shitty hair I was expecting you to say you wouldn't stay away..." The blonde looked up, his face wet and blotchy, but a small smile present none the less.

Bakugou was happy, happy he finally told someone and happy he was listened to.

But Bakugou's happiness was suddenly gone, remembering that now Kirishima knew he was in constant danger. And Bakugou regretted his choice more than anything.

650 words~

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