Chapter 7

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When Inko arrived at the hospital once again, both boys were asleep on Bakugou's bed (as it was four am). Inko smiled before lightly waking them up so she could take them home.

The boys woke up slowly, being very tired from talking until around one o'clock.

"Mom? What time is it?" Izuku asked tiredly, his eyes just barely open.

"It's four thirty-seven dear. Common get dressed we gotta get you two home so you can go to school in the morning. I'll be dropping you off." Inko smiled watching the two slowly rise from the hospital bed.

The car ride was silent as everyone was exhausted. Inko hadn't intended to take the night shift that night as she had first second shift around eight leaving almost no time to get some rest in.

Approaching the house Katsuki was wide awake while Izuku was still half asleep. Kat was still unsure about living with the Midoriya's. He loved them, more than anything now, and didn't want anything to happen to them.

He was scared. Scared for himself and for those around him. What would happen if his father found his friends? They would be in danger as well?

He wouldn't let anyone get hurt because of him, so he decided from then on to push everyone away. To not let anyone in or near him. He couldn't risk those he loved...

Feeling the panic rise he quickly went into the spare bedroom Inko had fixed for him. He hadn't felt like this in a long time, like he couldn't breathe. Like the whole world was crashing around him.

He couldn't stand still. Shaking, he paced around his room, mumbling words about how all of this was his fault. That everyone he knew and loved would be taken away like his mother was.

Not knowing why, he couldn't calm down only made him panic more. And in an attempt to make it stop he set an explosion off towards his head. Having not felt it he let off another.

Again and again, he let off explosions, until Izuku came in and pried his hands from his head.

"Kacchan what are you doing?! You're bleeding!!" Izuku yelled looking at the tear stained blonde in front of him.

"I- I" Bakugou stuttered trying to say what he was doing. Although he wasn't sure himself.

"It's okay Kacchan" Izuku said trying to comfort the boy. "I'm here for you, I'll always be here."

Remembering the danger Bakugou brought towards Izuku he pushed him away, literally. "Get the fuck out of my room, I don't need you! I don't need anyone! Get the fuck out!!" He yelled getting up and pushing Izuku again.

"Kacchan? What? What happened?" Izuku was confused standing outside Bakugou's door. The only answer he got was a door slammed in his face.

Izuku stood at his door, confused. Had he done something to upset the blonde? What happened to their moment in the hospital? Was that just for show? Maybe for Inko? But she wasn't their when they were talking for hours. So, what was it?

Bakugou slid down his door, still shaking from a few minutes ago. He thought about running away, figuring he it would be better for everyone's else.

He decided against it knowing Inko would be worried sick if he were to leave.

So, he sat on the floor crying and shaking. Trying not to make any sound, as he didn't want to worry the Midoriya's.

580 words~ 

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