Chapter 12

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As the students of class 1A headed towards their seats. The blonde boy everyone was talking about sat, hunched over his desk, asleep.

To say his classmates where worried was an understatement, they were terrified. Not only had the news covered the death of his mother, but also the fact his father had done it and may possibly come after the boy as well.

Eventually the bell rung, but Bakugou was still asleep. No one wanted to wake him up, so instead they waited until Aizawa came in.

When their Sensei finally arrived, he looked more tired than ever. He was obviously worried about his student, and he didn't even bother trying to hide it. He gave the blonde a concerned look before walking to the front of the room.

"Don't wake him up... I'm sure he needs the rest" with that he tried to carry on as if it was a normal day. But the silence around him, only told him it was not.

But class continued, everyone listening to their teacher, doing their work, and glancing at the sleeping boy every once in a while. And it stayed silent, except for the pencils scraping across paper.

Then suddenly a loud crash was Hurd throughout the room, all eyes' trunks to see the once asleep boy on the ground. His eyes squeezed shut, hand covering his mouth. Then he stood up mumbling an apology before running out the room.

His class sat in shock, 'what just happened?' Was all they could think.

Bakugou had run to the bathroom, he had woken from a bad dream and immediately felt like throwing up. Once he got into a bathroom stall that exactly what he did.

Back in the classroom, everyone was freaking out unsure of if they should try and find him or wait. In the mitts of the panic someone's phone went off signaling a call.

"It's Kacchan everyone shut up!!" Izuku yelled before picking up the phone.

"Hey Kacchan where'd you go?" The students couldn't hear the other half of the conversation.

"Yeah, if you're not feeling well just call mom, she'll pick you up."

"No, it's fine, she won't mind at all! Just go home, okay?"

"Thank you, I'll see you later."

Izuku set down his phone, and looked towards the front of the classroom.

"Deku, is Bakugou okay?" Uaraka asked, slight intrigued.

"Kacchan has a stomach ache, he's gonna call my mom to come get him." Was Izuku said before going back to his work.

The rest of the day went by slowly, the students of one couldn't help but overhear the whispers. Talking about why Bakugou wasn't there, saying that he probably didn't even care his mother was dead because he was a heartless monster, because he was a villain.

Class 1-A was enraged by what they heard, how could these people assume he had no feelings? Bakugou is human just like the rest of them, he's in despair and frightened. He's a teenager, he shouldn't have to go through what he is.

But nonetheless, the class couldn't do anything. Nothing but wait and hope for the best, as hoping was the best they could do.

~531 words 

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