Chapter 24

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The easiest way to explain it, is to start from the beginning.
In all pictures or stories about Katsuki, he is spoken about as if he was an only child. But that isnt true.
2 years before the young blonde hero was born, mitsuki gave birth to another child. A baby girl. With beautiful yellow eyes.
They named her Himiko Bakugo.
But her last name wasn't exactly true.
Truth was, Masaru used to sell Mitsuki's body around. A disgusting story unheard of.
Bakugo didn't know. His mother hiding the awful fact.
But Himiko was borned, the father unknown. Mitsuki was unsure of how to raise her. But wanted to love her absolutely.
She cared for her baby girl more than anything. But Masaru treated her like a monster.
Since birth, Himiko was fascinated by the smell and taste of blood.
Whenever an injured animal fell near the bakugo's house, Himiko would bring the animal in and treat it.
She was satisfied with just watching and touching the blood.
But when she turned six and officially got her quirk, that was her last straw.
Well not exactly, it was the pressure in the house. The environment around her, was toxic. An abusive father and a passive aggressive mother.
Yes Mitsuki tried hard to be a good Mother. But the abuse she didn't know how to deal with. She snapped and took out her anger onto the kids. Not physically but emotionally. Scolding Himiko for bringing in the animals. Yelling at the 3-4 year old bakugo for being too energetic or for him being to soft with Izuku. Saying he was being a baby.
Himiko tried her best to comfort her mother and her younger brother. But if was difficult.
One day, when her mother was drunk on the couch, Himiko woke up and went over to her mother. Craving the warmth and love her mother gave.
She walked over the the couch, tugging on her mother's pants.
Her mother looked down and glared at her. Confused and scared the young girl crawled onto the sofa and into her mother's arms.
But her mother pushed her away.
She crashed into the table.
"You damn brat! You damaged the table!"
"Fucking child."
"Get out of my house."
"It's your punishment!"
"Go away you mistake."

That night Himiko cried and cried. Freezing in the night. When a young bird fell from her nest and into himiko's lap, Himiko was over come with the urge to kill it.
So she picked up a stick and stabbed it.
Curiously licking at the blood.
Her heart pounded with delight as she drank it up.
Her mother then came out running to her crying, "Himiko! I'm so sorry! I was drunk, I didn't- w-what are you doing!?"

Ashamed and scared of her child, mitsuki hid her child away. Made her pretend. Punished her.
Katsuki didn't even know he had a sister.  Himiko was shadowed away.
She went to school, but didn't speak. She didn't move. She hide behind a mask. Ignoring the itching urge to taste blood.
Till on day her beautiful crush asked her for help on homework. And she snapped. Unable to control herself, she cried as she drank his blood. She hated the feeling. No she hated she liked the feeling.
Realizing what she had done, she ran away. Killing 15 other people.
She learned to accept her quirk and her desire.
Yet the girl couldn't completely move on. She still worried for her younger brother. He was her blood. She didn't want him to go through what she did. So she never left the city. she watched over him.
And when he got his quirk, explosions, she planned to leave. She knew he would be fine and grow up to be an amazing hero.
But the night she planned to leave she wanted to say one last goodbye. So, she creeped into her parents house and kisses him on the forehead.
She paused as she heard yelling in the living room. She sneaked out of katsukis room and hid in the bathroom near the living room to hear better.
"What is the fucking child's quirk? Did he get a disgusting quirk like Himiko?" Masaru snarled.
Mitsuki hid her anger and responded explaining his quirk.
"Good he ain't a fucking monster like that bitch. So nothing going to happen to him? What about the asshole who used his quirk on you when you were pregnant with Katsuki?" Masaru asked, taking a swig of his beer.
Mitsuki swallowed and spoke softly trying not to piss Masaru off. "Well the doctors don't know what the guys quirk was.... But they think that it might awaken another type of quirk. Im not sure what."
Turns out Himiko's real father had not only raped mistuki. Later on, specifically 1 year later, while mitsuki was pregnant with Katsuki he had used his quirk on her. In a way his quirk was transferred to Katsuki. The quirk changed his DNA.
Himiko realized this and tracked done her father. learned everything she needed about his quirk.
She prepared to help Katsuki when he would go through the change, gaining his new ability.
Her father's quirk, was that he could see, speak, and touch the dead as if they were real. If he took in there blood, he could use there quirks.
As much as it sounded amazing. Himiko's father's quirk was limited.
He could only see the people who died in that room, on that date (not year).
Himiko had gotten the ability to transform into people will injecting the blood. She didn't get any of the dead part.
But she figured katsukis would. She thought through how awful it would be to wake up one day and hear and see all dead people.
She decides she would have to stay in the city and prepare to help Katsuki when he turned 16.
She joined the league using there resources and hideout to prepare. She waited until Katsuki would need her.

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