Chapter 11

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The night went by slowly for the three boys as all were kept up by the same thought, but with different worries.

Eijiro was worried for his best friend's well-being, he knew the blonde was fragile at the moment and isolating himself from everyone could only push him further.

Izuku was also worried for Bakugou, but for his own mother as well. She was risking her life to keep Bakugou with them, and if Baku's father had followed them home, he knew where they were.

And Bakugou, he was worried for everyone. Everyone but himself. Not to mention that everything that had happened, including the news of his mother's death, was on TV earlier that night.

School was going to be hell for all of them, especially the blonde stuck in the middle of this gigantic shit show.

Speaking of school, they now had to get ready as the sun had risen and the morning alarms were going off. Sitting up slowly, each in their own rooms, they started their morning routines.

Filled with nerves and frightened, they all headed to school, finally meeting up at the front gates.

Midoriya and Kirishima looked wearily at each other before turning there gazes to the blonde. He was taking several deep breaths with his eyes closed, he wasn't ready to face the truth yet. And he sure as hell didn't want to be pitted or tiptoed around.

He wanted to pretend like nothing even happened, like his mom was still alive and waiting for him at home like she always was. Like she was going to cook his favorite dinner tonight, because she could already tell today was going to be stressful for her son. Like he would walk into his own house, she his mother's beautiful smile, and sleep in his own bed, in his own room. But alas, nothing like that will ever happen again, she's gone and so is his house. There's no happy ending, only a long, sickening, dreadful wait until his ultimate death.

Finally opening his eyes, he tightened his grip on his backpack straps, and started walking into his living nightmare.

Inside he could hear the loud chatter of students, but all sound seemed to disappear as soon as he opened the door. Gazed filled with concern, pity, worry, and worst of all the few who held an amused stare, almost as if the thought this situation was joke, like it was funny.

Taking one look around the silent hall, Bakugou wanted to turn back around and run all the back to the Midoriya's household. But he knew that would look cowardly, either fueling their worries or their amusement.

His pride was to strong for his own good, so his stupid ass held his head height and walked through the crowd trying to pretend nothing bothered him.

His stance was proud, but his face showed his hurt, showed how much this situation actually damaged him. He didn't notice this until Sero asked him if he was okay.

"Of fucking courses tape face" was Bakugou's answer.

"You sure dude, because you don't look okay..."

Bakugou was confused, he thought he was hiding it so well. He thought he had covered all his broken pieces with the mask that he wore oh so well. But the mask was broken too, with holes and cracks that leaked his true emotions for all to see.

Bakugou nodded after realizing he hadn't answered, "I'm fina sero.. just" he paused, what should he say? 'Leave me alone'? Maybe 'get out of my way'? What about 'let's get to class'? Holy shit when did talking become so hard for him?

His mind was racing with things to say so he decided on none of them. Pushing his way past Sero, he quickened his pace almost running to the classroom. He wanted to rest, even just a little bit before class started.

So speeding into his classroom, he slowed his pace. He practically threw his bag on the floor before dropping himself into his seat by the window. Laying his head on his arms, Bakugou closed his eyes, finally getting the sleep that he needed.

(691 words) 

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