Chapter 15: There is always another side of a hero

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Trigger warning: extreme cursing, violence, self-harm

(I am so sorry for the wait!!!)

3rd pov
Everyone was on nerve. That was the simplest way to explain how everyone was feeling. The complicated way? Anger. Sadness. Lost. Reality sunk in. As stated before, Fuck reality. With a (needed) capital F. 

Bakugo. The one who made everyone push more. Bakugo, was dying inside. He was constantly on edge. Waiting for the moment his dad reappears. And attacks him. Waiting for the moment karma catches up. Waiting for a razor to break, for an excuse to cut his problems away. 

God and that was messing with everyone.
Kirshima was training harder than ever. A defense mechanism. 

Be better, Kiri. Do better. Fight better. Why the FUCK can't you be better. 

Izuku was empty. He had cried all his tears, yet anytime he thought of his childhood friend he physically felt sick, guilty even. He was tearing the skin of his nails. Biting. Scratching. Forgetting to breathe with every thought, that lead him to spiral. 
Mina was laughing and talking. Pretending everything was fine. But everyone could see the loss in her eyes.
Denki was short-circuiting every five seconds. Because at least in that state he didn't have to think.
Sero had more weed in his body then he had in the last five years.
Jiro was blasting music in her ears. Hoping to deafen the voices. 

Everyone was coping in the worst possible way.  And the only reason none of them was in bakugos room holding him and comforting him, was because of all might. All might told them all not to. To wait and until Bakugo "comes down". 

Fucking stupid. Like he would waltz right up to the door, happy and cheerful. All Might really didn't care, if Bakugo joined the class. But everyone else did, and that pissed the older hero. He knew first hand, what caring can get you. Absolutely nothing. Caring about people? That kills you. He used to try, and try, and try. To help others. To manage his emotions. To be less of a burden. But what good does that do, when no one wants help, or for him to feel better, what if people still call him a burden no matter what. So, he changed. Learned to adapt to the world. He learned to stop helping the people who didn't want help. 

All Might couldn't understand why his students would stop trying to help Bakugo. He felt his eyes roll at their "stupidity". Caring is stupid. 

He justified his cruelity throughout his life. Finding an excuse to both be angry and never forgive. 

Suddenly the classroom was filled with the sound of someone's hand slamming on the desk.
"Okay fuck this. I'm sorry, All Might. I'm not gonna sit back any longer. I AM going to see if kacchan is okay." Izuku stood up and made his way to the door.

All might quickly stood in front of the door. He smiled bitterly and said, "Young Midoriya, it is Young bakugos job to come out of his room. Until he stops being weak he doesn't deserve our attention. Focus on your training, young Midoriya. Focus on all of your training children. Emotions make us weak. So stop trying to help him." 

"Excuse you? What the fuck do you mean "weak"?" 

"Young Midoriya!!! Do not cuss in my classroom." All might glared at izuku.
Izuku's slowly looked at all might. His eyes glistening in tears. A scowl placed on his face, he grabbed all mights collar.
"Listen to me you eyeless skeleton!!! KACCHAN IS NOT WEAK." Izuku slammed all might against the classrooms wall. "Who the fuck do you think you are. You can't say shit about being weak. Look at yourself. I could snap your neck within seconds."
Izukus hand tighten around all mights collar. Overcome with rage, sleep deprivation, and worry Izuku flexed his fist, prepared to give his mentor the beating of his life. He, however, was interupted by an eager red-head. Kirishima slapped All Might across the face, and scoffed.
"Katsuki? Weak? He is NOT WEAK, you stupid motherfucker. He is the strongest of us all. He pushes us more than you have ever!!! He is talented in every way. His life was shit yet he still stands. He still exist in this world. He teaches us what it means to have strength. What it means to love without being weak. HE MAY NOT SEE HOW FUCKING INCREDIBLE HE IS... BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN HE IS WEAK."
Blood smeared on all mights face.

"You think he is weak." Mina said smiling sweetly. "I show your what it means to be weak. I'll break you down. I'll break you apart and then you will realize what it means to be weak."

"We will kill you if you EVER CALL HIM WEAK AGAIN." Denki didn't hesitate to grab all mights face and slightly use his quirk.

All the sudden Aizawa ran into the classroom. "Jesus!!! All of you get your act together!!!"

Jiro glared at Aizawa, "No, sir. We will protect Bakugo with everything in us. He doesn't deserve" She pointed at all of All Might, "THIS! And we will not let anyone bring him down. Screw being a hero I will kill anyone who chooses to hurt him."

"Same here."
"I agree."
"Of course we would".
Every student in class 1-a agreed with the angsty teen.
They never realized how much Bakugo meant to them and they would die before he would be hurt again.

Aizawa looked out at his class. He saw himself in them. Driven by rage, however prepared to protect. Aizawa, wasn't going to let them kill him. He knew they were heroes. That the world needed them as heroes. However, if his children felt this strongly about All Mights treated. 


There is no harm, in roughing him up.. Right.

He turned around. "Don't kill him."

"AIZAWA!!!!" All might shouted.

"What?" Aizawa turned around.

"You can't let them hurt me. I could get you fired."

"Hmm could you? I don't think you could. I mean, do you want me to tell Nezu... No the whole society that the #1 hero left a depressed quirkless boy on a roof AFTER you told him he couldn't be a hero. Or that you also "saved" him and than left without making sure he was safe? Or that you call students weak for FEELING? Do you want me to tell the world that you are a coward that pretends to care about everyone. But in reality likes to hurt people?"

"H-how did you?"

"He told me you stupid motherfucker. Unlike you, he trusts me. He sees me as a dad. All of class 1-a does. They trusts me with there secrets."
Well almost all of them. Bakugo was too scared to tell Aizawa.
And that hurt Aizawa. But he would never show it. Because his students, his kids, need him to be strong.

"I won't let you talk shit about, my kids. So go suck a dick. I wont help you."

(I am rewriting all of my parts of this story, because holy crap was I a bad writer. The previous authors were incredible and I want to honor this story. I would like to know the direction, all you wonderful readers, want this to go in. Please let me know. You can message me or comment.)

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