chapter 25

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"Uh so yeah! That's it. The wholeeeee story." Toga said, shaking her hands like the story was a happy one.

Izuku took a huge breath in. Glanced up, toga yelped once she saw his face.

"Are you telling me.... Katsuki will live agony and see dead people once he wakes up.....!" Izuku was much to say the least, fucking furious.

"I mean yeah.... Pretty much." She awkwardly spoke.

Izuku took a step forward, his eyes glowing with rage.
"Why come now? You didn't do shit before!" Izuku scowled at her.

"Because he needs me now!" She shouted, hurt by Izuku's words.

"He needed you before! How the fuck do you think he is gonna feel once he wakes a finds out he had a sister that abandoned him! Left him with a piece of a shit father and mother who was falling apart!" Izuku shouted back. He didn't want to see his "kacchans" face once he realizes the truth.

"I WAS THERE! I WAS WAITING FOR WHEN HE NEEDED ME! I-i I didn't want to ruin his hero career, he was doing fine on his own!" She cried out.

"Fine!?!? FINE!? YOU THINK HE WAS FINE! KATSUKI WAS HEARTBROKEN! HE NEEDED SOMEONE! AND THE ONLY PERSON WHO KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON INSIDE THAT HOUSE... was you. But you were too selfish. Too scared. Admit it!!! Toga, there is nothing wrong with being scared of the mother and father who abused you. But it is not okay to leave behind your damn brother, when he needed you!" Izuku let a tear fall. He was a damn crybaby. But he would do nothing but protect the people he cared about.

And every second, bakugo laid there in pain, covered in cold sweat from his nightmares, tears that never dried, and blood from the wounds that never healed. It killed Izuku. He wanted nothing more to wrap his arms around bakugo and rock him too sleep.

"I-" toga gasped out. She didn't know what to say.

And as the room went pitch silent, a graspy voice slowly spoke. "So, mom was abusive too. Not surprising..... Eventually you deal with enough, and just snap."

Izuku snapped his neck at bakugo. He laid shivering, dark circles under his eyes.

"K-kacchan!!!!" Izuku yelled and ran over to bakugo. He started crying harder.

All he could think was




He shook his head at that thought. Not right now Izuku.

"Kacchan are you sure you are okay!?" Izuku whispered to bakugo. He held his hand in soft panic.

Bakugo just scoffed and caressed Izuku's scarred hand.

"I'm fine, 'zuku. Just tired." He yawned a bit, then rolled his eyes at Izuku's big eyes.

"Um? I don't mean to intrude on this.... Moment. However, kat I need to prepare you!" Toga awkwardly chucked.

She fiddled with her knife, once again, trying to calm down.

"Prepare? I'm fucking ready!" His voice spoke in full confidence. However, Izuku could see he was scared.

He could feel katsuki's hand shaking softly. Izuku just grabbed his hand and tugged on him, a reminder he is here.

Katsuki let out a quite breath.

"Okay well, I gotta quickly explain some stuff." Toga waved Izuku and bakugo to come closer.

Izuku helped bakugo walk, since he was still a little drug was still in his system. They sat down next too each other. Izuku let his hand fall to his side, figuring bakugo was uncomfortable. However, he smiled softly when bakugo reached back to grab his hand.

"So.... Uh this is gonna sound really awful. Kat is gonna have to die for his quirk to be unlocked." Toga spoke under her voice.

Izuku passed. Blinked once. Then twice.


"Sure. "

Izuku and bakugo said at the same time.

Izuku looked horrified. "No! I'm not letting you do that! What if-"

"Izuku it will be fine!" Katsuki argued. Shrugging.

"No!!! Bakugo absolutely not!" Izuku turned towards bakugo.

Bakugo faltered. He never heard Izuku say his last name. "Izuku.... You can't control me. Or make me do anything. I'm going to do this."

Izuku stood up furiously. "No! Kacchan what if you don't come back!"

"THEN I DONT COME BACK! IT DOESNT MATTER!" bakugo yelled back.

How could anyone think my life is worth something. It doesn't matter. Who I am. I've done horrible things.... Izuku why do you care.

He really wanted to say that. But he shut his mouth once he saw Izuku's eyes wide with tears.

Bakugo was stuck. He wanted to prove to Izuku he wasn't weak. But at the same time, he knew a part of him, wanted this because he didn't want to come back.

"Kacchan you matter.... So much. H-how could you say that-"

"Oh and you need to confess to your love. Cause, if you die and have any attachments to this world, the quirk will officially kill you. You won't be able to come back." Toga shrugged, like the tears and arguing was normal for her.

"I- wait what!?" Bakugo flushed a very bright pink. His eyes wide with panic.

Izuku gasped. "Kacchan.... You have a crush!?"

Bakugo glared at Izuku, "shut up." He glanced back at toga and gulped. "Will I die if I don't unlock the quirk."

Toga sighed. "Kat, the quirk is kinda like a virus. It takes over cells and reforms them. Now, your cells itself represent life. Everytime the quirk tries to take over the cells, your immune system attacks it. The quirk though...." Toga naturally pushed herself onto a stool by the bar and continued speaking, "-cant be killed. It melts into your cells. The immune system sends out white blood cells and they attack your cells."

Bakugo blinked. "So my immune system is killing me.... Great." He groaned.

"Welp pretty much. So ignoring the issue will kill you how-"

Izuku interrupted toga and asked worriedly, "so how does killing him help the quirk???"

"Calm down lover boy, I was getting there. Kat's very existence is the proof of life, right? Well the quirk is the very existence of death. Life and death are not meant to overlap. What needs to happen. Is we need to stop Bakugo's heart. Completely. And we can NOT revive him. He must do that himself." Toga poured herself a cup of the scotch.

"H-how am I supposed to do that???" Bakugo asked confused.

Toga shrugged and gulped down the scotch, accepting the burn.


Izuku slammed his hand on the bar. Using ofa at the last moment, a slight flash of green, and the counter was pressed in an unfashionable manner. The wood split, splitters pressing up into Izuku's hand. He glared harshly at toga. "Dunno? You don't fucking know! Why are we doing this!"

"Because if I don't, I'm going to die. 'Zuku, death is apart of life. I'm eventually going to die. Maybe this way, can bring me back though." Bakugo glanced at the table. Picking up the bleeding hand. "Besides if I don't come back, who is gonna save you when you hurt yourself." Bakugo sweetly smiled, showing an ounce of vulnerability.

He turned towards toga and let a small smile. "Let's do this."

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