The Cure?

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I frowned at the countries filing into my room with sufferer bags and stuff. My eyes landed on Spain and my frown turned into a glare. "I don't need your help, guys" I told everyone that was in my room.
"Sure you do. Come on look at yourself, your a hot mess" England pointed out.
"I need sleep" I told them, but no one listened to me as they got different things out of their bags.
"A hamburger" America said handing me a warm McDonald hamburger.
I sighed eating it to make him happy. Russia shook his head at America and pulled out a blanket. "This blanket is made of goat hair" He told me as he wrapped it around me.
"Kitty, Will help!" Italy ran in front of everyone and handed me his cat.
I looked at the cat as it curled up into a ball on my lap. Then a book was set on my bed, I looked up to England. "A good book might help" He said to me.
Many more things piled on my bed, a stuffed panda from China, herbal tea from Japan, another book from germany, the Nordics made a play and preformed it, France told me a few jokes, and Prussia held my hand through most of the 'curing'.
"Thank you all for your concern, but could you go? I am tried" I asked the countries.
They all nodded their heads and left me in peace.

The Next Morning

I yawned as I stretched my body out. I breathed clearing through my nose now and I didn't feel like crap. "Meow" Italy's cat meowed at me.
"I feel great!" Pushed the blankets off of me and opened my window curtains to see the blue sky. I changed into some clothes and opened my door to the smell of pancakes. Wait, pancakes? There in front of me was a floating plate of pancakes. I screamed running back into my room. "Its just Canada" Someone said from outside the door.
I opened the door to see that the floating plate was indeed Canada. "Oops sorry" I said letting him in my room.
"It ok" He said and we ate pancakes.The Power of Friendship is the Cure!

Lol Hi y'all! I don't if that's what the countries would actually do, so I am just going to go with it.




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