Lost with Spain

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The sun was now out and Spain was face first in the sand. He fell carrying me. Idiot. So I was now sitting on his back hitting him to get back up. "Chica, please stop hitting me" He whined in pain.

"Fine, whatever" I said standing on his back and he groaned in more pain.

I looked around the beach. It seemed unfamiliar. "Spain.. I think we are lost" I said in a worried voice.

He lifted his head out of the sand and looked around the area. "I think we are. Crap." He told me.

I got off of his back and started panic pacing. I left my phone on my nightstand and Spain doesn't have his either. Lost in California just my luck. I sat down in the warming sand and stared at the greenish blue ocean. The brunette was now standing watching me. "We should ask for help, Caroline" He commented.

"Or we can wait here for a search party" I said laying back in the sand.

He raised a disapproving eyebrow. "There are residents in these beach houses that I am sure will help" He motioned to the houses.

I frowned at the houses. "Are what if they are an alliance of killers?" I asked him.

"And what if a plane crashes into the beach and kills us?" He retorted and began walking to one of the houses.

"Spain!!!" I yelled in a whiney voice turning to watch him. "If you die it won't be my fault and I will leave your butt behind to die"

"Oh, is that a plane I hear?" He yelled back at me his voice full of sarcasm.

I glared at him as he reached the door of a house. He hesitated and knocked on the wooden door. The door opened to a young guy, who soon slammed the door shut in Spain's face. Spain sighed and shook his head. He turned back to face me. "Not a killer?" I asked grinning at him.

"Nope. Just your everyday meanie" He said turning for the next house.

He walked back to me in defeat as he asked the whole line of houses. "This is why girls ask for directions not guys" I said to him as he sat down beside me.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"Girls are better duhhhh. You know boys drool, girls rule" I laughed at him.

"Sure keeping telling yourself that" He chuckled. "Hey, since we're lost and everything. I have something to say. Caroline I really-"

"Caroline!? Spain!?" Someone shouted interpreting Spain.

Spain and I and turned to the direction and saw a small group of people walking down the beach. I waved me arms at them. "Dudes!!! I am the hero that found you!" The blonde jumped into a hero pose.

"You dunce!" England said hitting the back of his head.

"Technically we all had a part in helping find Caroline and Spain" Germany said behind the small group of people.

"Well, let's go back then" I pointed in the general direction they had come from.

"The house is that way" Germany pointed in the opposite direction I was. Spain sighed behind me.

Sup guys. Early morning update since my sister's dog woke me up. Been a while since I updated. I have had the time to, but just never had the right idea. I don't even like this one all that much. I am hungry, but I think my siblings ate my cearal :'( Omg!!! Btw I love you guys!!! Peace out!!!




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