The one who shall not be named

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My phone's screen light up. It was my ex again. I glared at the screen with maximum hate and pressed the ignore button. I was sitting on the couch was some Vampire Dairies on Netflex. France was sitting on the other side of the popcorn bowl watching too.
He was the only one willing to watch it with me. "Who was that?" He asked looking at me with his blue eyes shining.
"The One Who has No Name" I answered simply grabbing a hand full of popcorn.
"Your ex that cheated on you?" The blonde questioned me again.
"Yep" I replied getting annoyed.
"You shoved him in a trash can?" He asked grabbing a hand full of popcorn.
"Yep" I nodded my head.
"You ripped the head of the stuff bear he got you for christmas?" He asked.
"Nope the one I got on my birthday" I corrected him.
"I have you figured out now" France chuckled.
I grabbed the remote and pause the show. "What should I do?" I asked him looking at him with unbelievable trust.
"Tepee?" He smiled at me.
I slapped his arm lightly smiling. "Noo- Yes! Let's go tepeeing" I realized how to get at him. Again.
"After this episode?" He asked with a pleading face.
"Duh" I nodded pressing the play button.

"Noo guys get back in the car" The brunette whispered shouted at Prussia, France and me.
The three of us looked back with WTF man faces as we yelled toilet paper in our arms. I looked at the house and then Spain and back to the house. "Tomato?" I asked holding the red fruit in my hand.
Spain instantly grabbed a roll of toilet paper. "Let's do this" France whispered crouching down and walking to the house.
I rolled to a brush for cover and Spain hide behind a tree. Prussia smirked. "I am the awesome Prussia. I am invisible" He laughed throwing his rolls of toilet paper at the roof.
I couldn't help, but to giggle. I threw my own rolls of toilet paper at the roof too. France threw the roll of paper over his head as he walked over to Prussia and me. Spain still didn't seem comfortable with the idea still. As his arm was mid throw bright red and blue lights light up behind us.

Heyllo people I have been up to no good as always XD no not really... So what have you been up to my little animors? Animors its my name for you readers! Anime, Animors. Oh I am good!




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