Everyone Together

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  I heard someone yell that it was suppertime. I walked out into the hallway and was pushed down by running countries. "Ow" I rubbed my head.

  "'re y'u 'lright?" A huge blonde guy with glasses asked, holding out a hand.

  I accepted. "Yep" I said, dusting the dirt off of me.

  "Y'ur C'roline?" He asked, with knowing eyes.

  "Yep, and you are?" I asked with questioning eyes.

  "Sw'den" He said with little to no emotion.

  "Great, can I have a piggy back ride?" I asked.

  "N'" He said staring down at me.

  A grumpy guy walked up beside him. He had light blue hair. "Hi" I said waving.

   He ignored me. A guy with spiky blonde hair came up behind him. "Don't be pissy, Iceland" He said, winking at me.

  "Shut up, Denmark" He growled.

  Another blonde guy came up with a cross in his hair. "Hi" I waved to him. "Hello, I'm Norway" He said monotone.

  "Sweden~" Sang yet another blondy with and white hat.

  "Hi, I'm Finland~" He sang at me.

  "Hi, I'm Caroline" I smiled at my new friends.

  They were a goofy bunch but friends are friends. Someone grabbed me and pulled me. Japan?! "Since we are introducing people" He said shyly "China" He point to a guy with a hello kitty doll. "Taiwan" He point to a pretty girl. "Korea" Point to a guy flirting with Taiwan. "Hong Kong" He point to a antisocial guy.

  "Thanks Japan" I grinned at him.

  Then we all made it to the dining room with a huge table. "Caroline, sit with us" Spain waved at me.

  I sat with my roommates. Everyone was joking, telling stories, and getting drunk.

  "Look at the adorable Polar Bear. Where's its owner?" I asked looking at the floating bear.

  "I'm his owner" A guy appeared holding him.

  "Oh hi America" I grinned.

  "Maple... I'm Canada" He said, facepalming himself.

  "Oh, sorry that must happen a lot" I said.

  "Yeah it does" He mumbled.

  "Become one with Russia, da?" Russia asked behind me.

  "No" I said simply.

  "Kolkolkolkolkol" an evil cloud form around him.

  I hugged him and he stopped. He hugged back. I blushed lightly. "Russia!!!" A girl growled.

  "Belarus..." He said weirdly and a little scared.

  He let go of me and ran away.


  Have you guys heard of Hetaoni the theme song is sooo sad and England's too but you have to look it up in English. So anyways my camping trip gave me little to no inspiration so I still out of ideas. So if you want something to happen say!!! I'll put it in the best I can.




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