The Awesome Boyfriend Fail

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"Happy Birthday!!! To my awesome girlfriend!!!" Prussia yelled as he slammed my door opened.

I opened my eyes to stare at him. ¨My birthday is not until March¨ I told him as I yawned stretching under my blankets. Then again I never told him or any of the countries when my birthday was or is.

¨Oh, oops. We can ignore the writing on the cake and still eat it, right?¨He asked with puppy eyes as he sighed in disappointment in perhaps himself.

"Duh. I ain't turning down cake. What flavor?" I said jumping out of the bed. I ran to our kitchen. Most of our stuff was at the bottom of the stairs since we just got back from the vacation. We stayed in the vacation house until November cause we could.

There on the table was a pink iced cake with blue wording saying Happy Birthday. Pink?! Why the hell did he get me a pink cake? I picked up the cake and turned to the following Prussia. "Hey, deary~" I smiled an evil smile and threw the pink cake at him.

Pink icing and chocolate cake covered the albino. "Damnit!!! Its chocolate!!" I yelled grabbing a chuck and ran back to my room. I smiled down at my victory cake and ate it happily as Prussia walked back into my room.

"No pink?" he asked as he wiped some of the cake off of him.


I know I need to update more guys~ But hey I did it~ I love you guys and I am sorry for not updating often. I have no real excuse for it. :) :) :) :P So I hope those smiley face made up for it :3

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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