What the Hell is Wrong with these People!!!

860 42 14

  I woke up with Prussia on one side and France on the other and Spain at my feet and Gilbird on my head. My head was throbbing out of control. "What the Hell!!! Why are you guys in my bed?" I yelled causing them to fall off my bed and Gilbird to fly out of the room.

  France was wearing no clothes but my blanket thankfully covered him. Prussia was wearing boxers and a tank top. While Spain was wearing just his boxers. I was wearing the same clothes I was wearing yesterday, thankfully. "Ow, France said that we should all have a sleepover in jour room, and we asked jou and jou said something about pink unicorns would beat then silver wolves in football any day so Prussia said it was a jes in the drunk language so we all fell asleep on jour bed, chíca" Spain said holding his head where he hit the floor and he blushed slightly.

  "So this is all because of you?!" I yelled turning my anger at France.

  "Oui, it is my fault" He said blushing.

  "Damn it my head fucking hurts because of you" I glared at Prussia.

  "It vas your choose to zrink it" He said shrugging.

  "And you!!!" I turned my angered to Spain.

  "¿Que I do" He asked blocking his face.

  "...Er...You didn't make breakfast!!!" I yelled at him.

  They all jumped up and ran out of the room. Finally, peace and quiet. Then my phone rings. "Damn it!!! What do you want?!" I yelled in the phone.

  "Excuse me what did you say?!" My mom yelled.

  "I said 'Damn it!!! What do you want?!'" I repeated myself.

  "I am your mother you will—" I hung up and finished her sentence "Hang up on you"

  I smelled a breakfast taco. Spain was making breakfast. It smelled yummy.I changed into my pair of my shorts, which were...short shorts and a green tank top. I walk out of my room to see the steps all clear of junk. "About time morons" I mumble to myself.

  I walked down the stair to still a messy house. "Here jou go, Caroline~" Sang Spain hand me a taco. He was now wearing shorts but no shirt.

  I took a bite of the taco, it was amazing. "Thanks, Spain"

  "No problem" He smiled at me, taking a bite of his own.

  "Hey, Caroline, vant to valk vith me later?" Prussia asked throwing an arm around me. He was wearing shorts and a shirt.

  "No I'm good with that" I said pushing his arm off of me.

  "Is it me or is zose shoulders making you wet?" France said, chuckling to himself. He was wearing cargo shorts and a shirt, thankfully.

  I blushed but I hided it with my light brown hair covering my face. I finished the taco and walked out of the house. I needed air from those morons. I walked into a guy. "Well, what do we have here?" he grinned darkly. (Its not Russia)

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to walk into you" I said trying to walk around him.

  "Now don't be like that let's have some fun" He said grabbing my arm.

  I yelled for the only people I know "Prussia!!! France!!! Spain!!! HELP!!!"

  They ran out of the house. Spain had an Axe, France had a sword, and Prussia had two pistols. "Sat's not how you treat a lady" France said darkly.

  "I'd let go of the chíca, if I were jou" Spain had the same dark tone.

  "Nein one vill touch our, Caroline" Prussia said in a darker tone.

  The guy let go of my arm and ran away screaming. I couldn't help but to laugh. The trio stared at me as if I were insane. Oh, well. Prussia left me up on his shoulders and carried me inside the house. I hit his back and yelled "Put me down you jackass!!!"

  He walked on as if I wasn't hitting him. "Damn it put me down!!!" I yelled as he walked into the house.

  He put me on the couch. I looked at the countries faces and they were full of concerned. "Damn it I am fine!!!" I yelled at them.

  My phone buzzed. I looked at who it was. It was my dad. "Give me a moment" I said to the trio.

  I answered the phone "Halo vho ist dis?"

  "Oops wrong number sorry" my dad said hanging up.

  I looked back at the trio whose faces were filled with shock. "What I am not talking to my parents at the moment" I said getting up and walking over the crap to the stairs.

  I made it to my room and shut the door. I grabbed a pillow and screamed in it. I stayed in the room all day. They knocked on the door but I ignored them. I fell asleep for the night, I just only pray they don't come in again.


  Drama for this chapter...dun dun DUNN!!! I work on my accents;) He he he.

I love pasta~ Italy

We all know that Italy.

Italy starts to cry. VHAT DID YOU DO TO ITALY?! Germany yells

Reader sorry but you have to run again!!!

I should keep my big mouth shut.




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