New Friend?

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  School started again. I was in math class, bored out of my mind of 8x = 1+8-7x. The teacher also looked bored teaching it. My head was in my hands as I was falling in and out of sleep. Then my head thud onto the desk and the pain woke me up. "Ow" I winced grabbing were I hit my head. Already it formed a knot and everyone was staring at me. "Hi how are you all doing?" I asked sarcastically glaring at them.

  "Alice could take Miss James to get some ice" The male reacher rolled his eye in announces.

  I turned to a blonde girl skipping over to me. She looked like Alice from Wonderland. She was wearing a sky blue shirt and a white T-shirt, which was making me look like a slob wearing gray sweatpants and one of Prussia's soccer shirts that went down to my thighs. I sent a prey up to the lord in the sky as I gathered my stuff. She walked beside me as we left the classroom into the huge hallway full of lockers.

  "Hi I am Alice" She said smiling a huge smile that made Italy's smile look like Germany frowns.

  "I am Caroline nice to meet you, Alice" I snickered to myself thinking of calling her a Wonderlander.

  Then she started rambling on and on just like Italy would do. I got some ice once we got there and then the questions! What's this like? What your favorite blah blah blah? "Hey you want to hang out since we're now bffs?" She jumped up and down grabbing my hands.

  "Wha? I never agreed to that." I told her with a confused face.

  "I thought that we were friends now?" She had a puppy face.

  "Sure" I said smiling. She is annoying, but I am friends with Italy. What could go wrong?

Idk I just thought she needed a friend so here is Alice!




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