I'm Back

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  I sighed walking into the huge manor. There was fighting and yelling. I grabbed Spain, who grabbed Romano, who grabbed Italy, who grabbed Germany, who walk behind sighing. I rolled my hazel eyes, god boys were stupid.

  "What are you doing chíca?" Spain whined, trying to get me off of him.

  "Whatever I want" I said, grabbing his ear.

  "Tomato bastard" Romano growled as he was trying to get out of Spain's grip.

  "Be-a nice, big brother" Italy skipped behind Romano.

  Germany made low growls as he was dragged by the auburn italian. I giggled to myself, flipping my brown hair out of my face. I dragged them all out to the woods behind the mansion. "Vhat are we doing here?" Germany groaned, sliding his hand through his blonde hair and his blue eyes sparkled as the sun hit them just right.

  "Well I wanted to hike through the woods" I said, smiling at all the glaring faces, well except Italy and Spain. They were frowning.

  "Rearry?" Someone argued.

  "Of course aru~" yelled someone else.

  "Hi-a Japan and China" Italy yelled at the arguing pair.

  "Hi aru~" China waved happily.

  Japan rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Hey we're all going on a hike wanna come?" I asked, them with a cute smile.

  "Not with this fool aru~" China said, obviously mad.

  "Make pasta not war veeee~" Italy sang cheerfully.

  "Not now Italia" Germany said sternly.

  "Oh chill Vest" Prussia said, coming out of no where.

  "Hononononon why are we all in the woods?" France looked around.

  "Iggy!!! I'm Independent!!! No I don't need a bandaid" America whined to obviously England.

  "Volka, da?" Russia tipped a bottle of it in his mouth.

  "Say it...Say it...Say it" Norway poked at Iceland.

  "Damnit no!!!" Iceland yelled.

  "Don't be fucking pissy Icy" Denmark laughed.

  Norway walked over to him and yanked on his tie. Sweden was carrying Finland. "Ok everyone we are going on a hike" I yelled.

  "Why not a race?" America whined.

  "Fine we'll have a team race" I said "The team will have captain and they will choose their team. Captain shall be......."

I'm Fucking back and will stay back for as long as I can!!! So Hhahahahhahahahhah

Ice cream

cotton candy


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