Sick Day

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  "Cough! Cough!" I coughed as snot ran down my nose. My eyes had a dark shadow around it making me look like a fucking raccoon and my hair was in one of those ponyish tails where the hair is in the ponytail kinda. I couldn't breath out of my nose, so I was panting like a dog if you know what I mean. My floor was covered in tissues and my blanket was half on and half off of me.

"Caroline! Its time for school" Spain knocked on my door.

  "I am not cominginto to school. I feel sick" I yelled through the door.

  No response. I guess he already left. I shrugged getting comfortable in my bed and I closed my eyes falling asleep.

Later that day

  I woke up to knocking on my door. "Its open" I coughed and grabbed a tissue to blow my nose.

  "We are here to cure you" yelled someone who slammed the door open. America and the rest of the world.

I just wanted to update now because my parents aren't paying attention. I haven't updated because I am grounded, but I should be ungrounded soon. I got accepted into the school. In the welding program and I am really excited. I am changing the where the LWBTT is going, please put it in the title. May the best story win. So until next time




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