❤Marshall's flashback❤

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Starting off strong with Marshall's flashback!


Marshall pov

I was sitting under the Weeping Willow that our yard had around the back of the lookout. I don't know why but lately I have been clumsier than usual. I have been losing my footing over my own feet, Bowling into EVERYONE knocking them over and not to mention I injured Chase in an accident whilst trying to turn off my water cannons that were pointing at Rocky.

Rocky: Marshall?

Looking up I see a Rocky standing next to me with a towel wrapped around his neck

Marshall: Hey, Rocky...

Rocky: You seem down, what's up?

Marshall: Oh nothing, just thinking...

Rocky seemed to have stopped dead in his tracks giving me one of his 'Are you kidding me?' looks, they terrify me

Rocky: Marshall, I have known you long enough to see right through your back and white lies.

If I was being completely honest I think I had wimped away into the base of the tree if I could get away but, I was too scared to move

Marshall: I- Uh- I don't know what you are talking about..!

Rocky: Marshall

Sighing in defeat I turned my head up looking into his eyes, I could only just make out his facial expressions, Worried, Stern, and most importantly, the look my mother used to give me when I would refuse to tell her something.

Marshall: I'm just feeling like an absolute fool. I can't do anything right, I'm always injuring people and getting them mad at me.

Rocky: Marshall, you are not a fool, you can do anything if you put your mind to it, you injure people yes, but that makes it so we are prepared for it to happen again. And yes we may get a tad mad, but, our opinion will never change on you, our fun easy going clumsy Dalmatian pup.

Hearing that was exactly how my Mum used to speak to me, I burst into tears, them falling down my cheeks faster than a waterfall dampening and slightly darkening my fur. Rocky had pulled me into a tight embrace, I tucked my head into the crook of his neck. I wasn't calming down till I heard a soft melody quietly from the body next to me, he was humming my favourite song, Sweater Weather.

I had cried for a long time so long that even the other Pups had come up and sat with us, (-Chase, Skye and Everest) don't get me wrong I love all of their company but, I was really enjoying my time alone with Rocky, he was just so... comforting...

The others had fallen asleep, they were all spread out but Zuma for some reason was REALLY close to Rocky, I didn't seem to look as though Rocky really cared all that much though. As tears were still streaming down my fur, Rocky had moved into a different song, Cake By The Ocean

After about 2 mins I had stopped crying and I was so tired my eyes were giving up on me, begging for me to close them my thoughts were interrupted by a angelic voice still fresh from humming

Rocky: Shhhh, Marshall, I'm here you may sleep

I couldn't muster up any words so instead of words I used noises

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