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I am returning for an unknown amount of time soooooo this could last up to a couple of days, months or maybe the rest of the year! On all of my book I got comments wishing for them all to be continued, the one in first place is 'The science Experiment', then 'Recycled love'(This book) and in last 'Celebrity Recycler'. 

I am very happy to announce that I WILL be continuing these book for all of you to not be left on a cliff hanger even if you have long left this line of books. Over the past year or so of this book I have been locked out of my account because I had lost my passwords on my old device and I didn't remember it. 

Although my writing style has drastically changed compared to like 2 years so I'm going to write the last chapters till I feel as though the books need to end then the first couple of chapters I have written I will go through and edit.

I would edit them all first then just into the book so its all engaging and the reader gets constant writing style but I wan't to get the books done first so then I can feel accomplished with having the book done and by then I can re-write the first few chapters to match up to the end of the book. 

I hope you all can understand this. I will write these books whenever I can but that may not be very ofter due to my multiple assessments coming up in school that are due very soon. I also personally want to get caught writing this by my friends because they'll bully me with absolutely no remorse. 

This information chapter is uploaded onto all three of my books so if you get a notification from my other books, this is exactly what will be written on them.

Have a lovely day/night, i'll see you all in the next chapter

Vous avez atteint le dernier des chapitres publiés.

⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 29, 2023 ⏰

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