Episode 9: 100,000 Leroy clones

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1 month ago,

Jacob and David Kawena were lying down on the roof of a building on Honolulu. David had told Jacob that in Kauai he will meet Lilo, which she's the little sister of David's girlfriend Nani. Jacob got interested about Lilo. When David had told Jacob the story of Lilo and Stitch, about how they met, about how they managed to take care all of Jumba's experiments and about defeating Dr. Hamsterviel, Jacob got impressed by the story and wanted to meet all the experiments. David told him that he will meet them. David also mentions that one of Jumba's experiments is Angel (624) which she is Stitch girlfriend. When Jacob heard that he smiled and told that he can't wait to meet them. David smiled and told Jacob that he will have fun with them and have a lot of adventures. David also mentioned that Lilo's father told that ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. When Jacob heard that word, he told that it's very toutching.

Back on present day, in Lilo's house, on afternoon,

Slushy shows to Jacob of what he can do with his ice powers. When Jacob drinks a little  water from his glass, he spits it on the air. Slushy sees the water and before the water fall down Slushy manages to freeze it. When the water gets freeze, Slushy catches the water ice before it falls on the floor and it becomes crumbs. "Wow, I'm impressed" Jacob says. Slushy gives the water ice to Jacob as a gift. "Thanks, Slushy" Jacob says. Stitch climbs with his feet to the ceiling and walks from above. Jacob and Slushy are see Stitch from above them on the ceiling. Jacob mentions that Stitch is like Spider-Man who can walk to walls and everywhere where is not floor or ground.

Lilo and Angel are planting some pretty flowers outside the house in a small garden where they have made a half year ago. Angel takes a seed of violets and puts it in the soil. When Angel covers the violet seed with soil, she takes the watering can and waters the soil with the seed. Lilo in the past has taught Angel how to plant flowers, plants etc. When Lilo sees Angel planting the flower, she starts thinking about the first time that she met Angel, and about her opinion for Angel that she once was thinking that Angel was a nasty one of how bad was Lilo's mind about that although it had a reason about why Lilo didn't trusted Angel once then. The reason is that Angel was working for Gantu to capture some experiments of Jumba then and when Stitch was menaced by the experiments who Gantu turned them to bad in his spaceship, Angel saw him and she gotten shocked. Angel managed to save Stitch from that by singing her song upside down and turned the experiments who where threat Stitch from bad to good. When the spaceship was landed down then, Lilo found Stitch to come out from the broken wall of the spaceship with some other experiments and Angel. When Lilo thought about it, she toutches Angel's shoulders with her two hands and apologizes that when she met her the first time she wasn't good with her. Lilo hugs Angel like she has guilt about that. Angel admits that she hated that Lilo wasn't happy that she came here and watched her with Stitch having relationship, but she forgives and hugs her. Bonnie and Belle appear. "So my friends, how are your flowers?" Bonnie asks. "All good" Lilo answers. Belle smells one of the roses that Lilo and Angel planted. "Do you want one flower to take, Belle?" Bonnie asks Belle as she bends and touches her hands on her knees. Belle widely opens her mouth and happily screams. "That means yes" Bonnie answers to Lilo and Angel. Belle chooses a rose flower. "You're welcome" Angel says. Belle opens and closes her right eye to Lilo and Angel as a "thank you".

In their house,

Jumba fixes a electric laser gun for protection from the Leroy clones where they with Dr. Hamsterviel will strike for revenge any day soon. Jumba puts a cardboard on the table inside his lab, he aims with his laser gun, he pulls the trigger and fires to the cardboard. The cardboard becomes pieces from the blue electric laser. Jumba gets excited that his gun works and happily laughs like a crazy scientist. TJ hears Jumba's laugh outside the door, he curiously opens the door. "Oh, TJ. I didn't knew you were here" Jumba hastily says. "What are you doing?" TJ responds. "Oh, I, I just made a electric laser gun to fight the Leroy clones when they will strike with Dr. Hamsterviel" Jumba answers. "Ok, just be careful with that" TJ advises.

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