Episode 18: An unexpected surprise

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Everyone in the living room are appear to hear from Nosy what he has to tell about Hamsterviel and the Leroy clones. Nosy will tell everyone some informations about what Dr. Hamsterviel with his Leroy clones are doing now. Nosy has the ability to know just in time secrets without for him to find out by hearing. "So listen up" Nosy advised everyone in the living room. "Dr. Hamsterviel has sent 50 Leroy clones on Kauai to find all the experiments and capture them and later to get rid of them somewhere". "In what place does Dr. Hamsterviel with his Leroy clones are planning to destroy all the experiments?" Lilo asked Nosy. "At the same place where we all together fought the experiments and defeated Hamsterviel, at the Aloha Stadium!" Nosy answered. Everyone are getting surprised for what Nosy said about Hamsterviel's plan. "I remember when I with all the 626 experiments that we were at the Aloha Stadium that when we saw Hamsterviel showing up we were very shocked and worried, the. I realized that Hamsterviel has dominated the galactic Federation, just like now once again" Nosy responded. "We already know that Hamsterviel has already dominated the galactic Federation once again" Vince said. "That's bad". "We have to do something, I believe that we can stop Dr. Hamsterviel, I remember about that you've told me how you defeated the Leroy clones, with the aloha oe music" Jacob responded. "Yeah, we can use it again so we can defeat them once again" Jumba suggested. "But what if it will not work this time?" Victoria asked questionable. "I don't know, but we'll see, if it will not work; I don't know what we're gonna do" Jumba answered. Gus suddenly starts to feel worry. "Guys, as we talk about 50 Leroy clones wandering around, isn't kinda creepy?" Gus said kinda scared as he looked for a while out of the window. "Maybe we should tell it to Grand Councilwoman about what's happening now".

Lilo, Stitch, Angel, Jacob, Victoria with Snooty Nosy, Keoni with his father Mr. Jameson, the recess gang, Bonnie, Belle, Clyde, Yaarp, Reuben, Carmen, Sparky, Pleakley and Jumba are going outside of the house to Grand Councilwoman to tell her the warning. When they enter inside the spaceship where Grand Councilwoman and Gantu are in, Gantu seems stressed about Dr. Hamsterviel. "Grand Councilwoman, Hamsterviel has sent Leroy clones to capture the experiments" TJ responded. "What?" Grand Councilwoman said. "Yes, they already captured six experiments, and now they must keep finding experiments" Lilo responded. "When did you heard this news" she then asked them. "I told them" Nosy answered. "Now I know that Hamsterviel is going to make contact here currently". Suddenly, on the screen which is on the wall, Hamsterviel makes contact. "Hey there, I just want to tell you that we now captured another 200 experiments" Hamsterviel said as he showed with the camera the 206 experiments being captured inside in unbreakable vases. One of the experiments that is now captured is Carmen, and Jacob sees that and he doesn't believe it. "You captured and Carmen" Jacob shouted angrily at Hamsterviel. "What, oh you mean the experiment 123, haha, she looks beautiful, I know" Dr. Hamsterviel said ironically. "I know that if I'll suggest you to free all of the experiments, you will not hear me, right?" Jacob responded. "There's no doubt about it" Dr. Hamsterviel answered with an angry face. "You will once again pay for everything" Gantu shouted. "You betrayed me, you didn't helped me destroy all the experiments then" Hamsterviel continued talking. As soon as Jacob hears what Hamsterviel said to Gantu, he begins to wondering and looks at Gantu. "Perfect to work with Grand Councilwoman instead for you, you hamsterjerk" Gantu offended Hamsterviel. "I knew that before that the word "hamsterjerk" was using by Gantu and Reuben to Hamsterviel" Nosy responded with a smiley face. Jacob approaches Gantu and starts talking to him about when he worked with Hamsterviel. "You telling us that you were working for Hamsterviel?" Jacob asked suspiciously. "Yeah, but he forced me" Gantu answered. "You suspect me to forgive you? Nope" Jacob responded angrily. "As for you, Dr. Hamsterjerk, we will find you and we will stop you" He then said to Hamsterviel before he stop making contact and turn off the screen.
Jacob decisively goes out of the spaceship to find where is Hamsterviel hiding with the Leroy clones and that they capture experiments by time in time. "Come on guys, we must stop that rat face" He decisively said. "Gantu you'll come" he then asked. "Yes I'm coming" Gantu answered.

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