Episode 11: A normal day

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On the afternoon,

While Angel, Bonnie and Belle are wearing their new t-shirts that they wore before, they now having a slumber party in Lilo and Stitch's bedroom. Lilo goes inside to her bedroom where Angel, Bonnie and Belle are in. "So my friends, are you having fun?" Lilo asks them. "Yeah, why not?" Bonnie answers. "You can join with our slumber party too if you want" Angel responded. "Ok" Lilo answered as she walked out of her room. Yaarp sees Belle with Angel and Bonnie and waves at her, Belle sees Yaarp and gracefully smiles at him. "So, you really love Belle, huh?" Lilo responds to Yaarp while they both go to the living room. Yaarp moves his head up and down by meaning yes. "Well, you are a lover" Lilo responded. Yaarp goes to the living room where the others are in. Yaarp appears to the recess gang while they're sitting on the floor. "Oh, hi there" TJ says to Yaarp.

Jacob goes in Lilo's bedroom where Angel, Bonnie and Belle are having a slumber party. "Oh, hi girls, can I come inside too with you? Jacob asks. "Yes you can, we don't have a problem" Bonnie kindly answered. Jacob joins them to their calming slumber party. Belle leaps on the mattress of the bed. Jacob climbs to the bed and starts leaping with Belle together. "Be careful, don't fall off the bed" Angel responded. Belle and Jacob are carefully get out of the bed without being injured. Belle takes a red nail polish and gently paints Angel's small nails. Angel looks at Belle with her sweet eyes. When Carmen opens the door to join Angel, Bonnie and Belle's calming slumber party, she gets excited when she sees that is and Jacob here. Carmen cuddles Jacob for being here. "Ok, ok. I'm glad to see you too" Jacob said while he was cuddled up by Carmen. Woah, looks like Carmen really likes you" Bonnie said. "She's excited, I see it" Jacob responded. Angel sees out of the window, she sees the sky been cloudy. Jacob's favorite weather is when it's very cloudy without the sun being visible. Angel and Jacob are curiously go out of the house to see the weather. They both like the weather which is cloudy.

Sample, Slushy and Dupe are in Kokaua Town and they playing balls. Slushy taps with his finger the ball and the balls is thrown to the other ball. The other ball gets thrown to the street, Sample runs at the ball and he catches it. Slushy makes blue granite ice creams. Dupe helps Slushy to carry one of his blue granite ice creams. Dupe gently gives to Sample an granite ice cream, Sample appreciates him, he eats his granite ice cream and he really loves it. Sample gives a thumb up to Slushy and Dupe of how much delicious is Slushy's granite ice cream is and also about how good and kind friends are.

Reuben is in a small market in the Kokaua Town where it have a lot of food stuffs. Reuben places his bag with ingredients for many sandwiches at the checkout where is a man. "Here sir, are the ingredients for my sandwich recipe" Reuben responded to the owner of the fund as he bought it. Reuben's ingredients for sandwiches are:

•melted chocolate
•strawberry and orange jam

"As you can see sir, jam with tomatoe, garnished with bacon. My own recipe, completely my own" Reuben responded while he walked out of the store.

Lilo, Stitch, Angel, Jacob, Yaarp, Bonnie, Belle, Carmen and the recess gang appear at the Kokaua Town where Slushy, Sample, Dupe and Reuben are. A beautiful cloudy day. No other people are in the Kokaua Town at this moment, but it's at least quite and peacefully. Slushy with Dupe have made a lot of granite ice creams, Belle wants an granite ice cream from Slushy and he runs at Slushy. Belle with her sweet look, points with her finger two granite ice creams that she wants, one for her and the other one for Yaarp. Slushy kindly and gently gives two granite ice creams to Belle. When Belle takes the two granite ice creams, she gets goes to Yaarp and she gently gives to him his granite ice cream. Belle suddenly kisses Yaarp's cheek, Yaarp gets very shy and Belle kindly giggles. Mikey wants a granite ice cream too and he sees slushy's granite's ice creams. "Ohh, those ice creams looks delicious" Mikey said. Mikey goes to Slushy for a granite ice cream. "Excuse, me can I have an ice cream please?" Mikey gently asked Slushy. Slushy gives to Mikey an granite ice cream that he have in one of the box. "Thank you" Mikey responded. Mikey licks a bit of Slushy's granite ice cream, when he tastes the flavor, he calmly goes crazy by the nice flavor that the granite ice cream has. "Oh, this tastes like dreams" Mikey cheerfully said. Mikey gently caress Slushy's cheek. Mikey has just made a new friend.

Reuben sees Lilo and her group outside to the streets. He runs at them with excitement. "Hey, Reuben. Why you look excited?" Lilo asked Reuben. "Because I got ingredients for sandwiches recipe, my recipe" Reuben answered. Bonnie looks around the Kokaua Town and watches nervously with an angry face if Mertle Edmonds is somewhere here. "Bonnie, why you look nervous?" Lilo asked Bonnie by wondering. "Can I ask you something? Does Mertle Edmonds come here a lot?" Bonnie angrily and nervously asked. "I've seen her some times with her friends here" Lilo answered. Bonnie is suspected if Mertle Edmonds will appear in here. Suddenly, a thunderbolt is heard from the clouds in the sky. Gus jumps out of his terror. "It's gonna be rain" Lilo said. "I think we must go back to the house" Stitch responded and suggested. They all agree with Stitch suggest and Lilo, Stitch, Angel, Jacob, Yaarp, Belle, Bonnie, Carmen and the recess gang with Sample, Dupe, Slushy and Reuben are all go back to their house before it will start raining and let them all get wet.

It's about to rain. Lilo and the others have arrived in their house by getting inside. "Just in time, we didn't got wet" Lilo said. The rain has already began and the ground gets wet. In the kitchen, Lilo sees a lot of waffles on the table for everyone. "Oh, hey you came on time, we made waffles for you" Nani said while she put dishes on the table for everyone. "Wow, these waffles look delicious" Mikey said. Lilo and the others are get their own dishes and they put on their dishes waffles with white whipped cream. They all sit to the living room with their dessert and they all have fun with each other. Bonnie is still skeptical about Mertle Edmonds and for what she had said about Lilo that she's a freak. The more Bonnie thinks about it, the more she gets angry, even and Jacob. "If Mertle Edmonds ever tell something bad about you, I'm gonna bore her without mercy" Bonnie angrily said to Lilo. "Why does it matter to you about this issue?" Lilo asked Bonnie. "Why?! Because I care about you and I'm not care about some stupid sour persons like Mertle" Bonnie answered. "Bonnie is right, because we all care for each other, we are ohana, and never, ever, leave behind or forgot any one of us" Jacob responded. Now, Bonnie stops talking about Mertle Edmonds.

After that, while it's still raining, the flowers outside from the small flower garden are lucky that it's raining because with the water, they'll grow up. Some lightning strikes in the sky between the clouds. Angel sees the rain from outside of the window of the living room while the others are having fun. Angel sees the window from outside being wet from the rain sprays. Jacob goes next to Angel and sits with her. "I really like when it rains or it is very cloudy, like today" Jacob said. Angel feels a little bit skeptical about Mertle Edmonds and about why she hates Lilo for absolutely NO reason. "Do you like the rain?" Jacob asked Angel. Angel by stopping being skeptical now, she makes a cute voice of her own. "That's so cute" Jacob responded.

Suddenly, the house bell rings. Nani goes to the door to see who is, she opens the door and she sees Jason with his umbrella. "Oh, Jason, what a surprise" Nani welcomes Jason to her house. Lilo, Stitch, Angel, Jacob and Reuben are recognizing Jason. "Here's the ghost man" Reuben said in a sarcastic way. "Hey Jason, nice to see you here" Stitch said. Reuben remembers Jason as the ghost when he pranked him and his friends back to his hotel when Jason wear a black suit as the ghost of the hotel. Nani serves Jason as a welcome. "Do you want a glass of water?" Nani asked Jason. "Yes please" Jason answered. "Do you want a piece of waffle?" Lilo asked. "No, thanks. Just water" Jason responded. Jason sits in the living room with Lilo, Stitch, Angel, Jacob, Bonnie, Belle, Yaarp, TJ, Vince, Mikey, Gus, Spinelli, Gretchen, Reuben, Carmen, Slushy and Dupe together. Belle and Yaarp are sitting next to each other.

At the space, Dr. Hamsterviel with his Leroy clones in their giant spaceship are continuing to coming straight to Earth. Although they're not so close to Earth, Dr. Hamsterviel planned to use the hyper jump later. Dr. Hamsterviel also found the first Leroy clone that he was created by Jumba a half year ago, when he with his others Leroy clones tried to destroy all of Jumba's experiments. Dr. Hamsterviel gives to the first Leroy a collar to stand out from the other Leroy clones as the first Leroy clone he ever made. "So, you my first Leroy, when we will arrive on Earth in Kauai, you must find some experiments near Lilo's house and try to capture them, I count on you" Dr. Hamsterviel suggested to the first Leroy clone.

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