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(this whole chapter is in 3rd person pov just because I want to try writing it and see if it fits for me.)

"Should we wake them up?" Ginny whispers from beside Ron in a amused voice.

A smirks forms on Ron's face, about to say yes— but instead he shakes his head, indicating his answer as a no.

Ginny whips her head faster than lighting, purely surprised by his response.

When Ginny had been told that Harry saw Draco and El run together last night in the hallway looking in a hurry, she instantly wanted to come here the next morning so see what was so urgent.

Honestly, deep down inside he wanted to see that too.

Not even five minutes ago, his anger— although was boiling for a hot minute when he saw the both laying in their bed together, naked.

But seeing the way Malfoy had held El in his arms last night— is currently, and since the night she was almost assaulted, his opinions have started to change.

Sure Malfoy is a dick and is filled with pride, but when it comes to Elara— he's selfless. Ron's started to notice the way he looks at her when she's near him, or when she comes out of a room and walks towards him.

The same thing with her, the way her eyes would light up when she talks about him, the small blush on her cheeks. Whenever he spots them together, the way she laughs with him—

The way she's happy.

And El being happy, that's the only thing he would ever want.

After all, she's his twin and he always would want the best for her.

Even if it means for him to change his firm opinions on someone he had strongly disliked since the age of eleven.

"Let's go." He whispers, Ginny's expression going wide at the sentence.

Not even a couple minutes later, the opening of curtains in the room is what wakes up Elara. Squinting her eyes, she tries to adjust to the massive amount of sunlight that just entered the room. But when her eyes do open, she smiles.

Draco's sitting next to her, looking down at her as he has a small smile preset on his face. Admiring her relaxed face, he feels Immediately, if that's any possible, his smile grows even wider when he spots her looking up at him.

"Morning." His raspy and low morning voice greets, pressing a small peck on her temple.

"Morning, sleep well?" She hums in response, snuggling closer to his warmth.


"We have a Hogsmeade trip today." He states, making circles on her palm.

"Really?" Excitement floods through the girl's body as she jolts up, forgetting that she's naked underneath the sheets.

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