Meet Calvin

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CALVIN'S P.O.V :       

        As the sun rose up, so did I. As I got up, I smelled the sweet smell of roses and plums. I lived a house in a city called Trestort, in a place of warriors and warrior pratice. I lived with my mother and my stepfather. My real father had died when I was 6. My mother remarried when I was 7. She married my stepfather, Bob. Bob was a pig. He was all gross, making the house smell like dead rats and barf. The only thing that was good about him was, that he cleaned up, sometimes.       

         I went to school at St. James high school. Well, I would have, if I hadn't bumped into Zane on the first day of school. Zane wilder was one of the coolest kids in St. James high school. Of course I wasn't. I was Calvin Stoll, shyest and most clumsiest kid ever. Zane wilder was a leader, And I wasn't. 

              As I walked to the school, I began to kick some pebbles. I had just been dropped off from my mom. I had my headphones on, listening to some music. I had my head down, so I couldn't see in front of me. CLUNK!! My head made a loud sound, so loud, that I could hear it even with my headphones on. I fell to the floor. As my body hit the hard concrete, I look up to see what i had bumped into. I saw Zane Wilder, sit on the floor, rubbing his aching head. He looked up at me, glaring daggers. Of course, That didn't really matter, because my head was throbbing with pain. I began to get up, and when I did, I went to Zane and I stretched out my hand, to lift him up. He obliged, and began to get up as well. As he got up, I tried to hand him his backpack, but he just snatched in off the ground, and slinging in on his back. He began to walk to the school gate, with me running behind him. I catched up to him, and began walking along side him.  ¨ Sorry about me bumping into you.¨ I said, nervously trying to apologize. 

     ¨ It's fine. I'm used to it. Got 2 sisters and 1 brother at home. It's normal to me.¨ We walked in silence halfway to the school gates. I tried to break that silence. 

     ¨ So, Which classes do you have?¨ I asked glacing at Zane to see his answer. 

¨ I have Mr. Penter for my first class, then Ms. Seen, Ms. Moss, Mr. Deep, Ms. Hents, and Mr. Jefferson.¨ 

¨ Oh!! I have Mr. Penter for first class as well!! We might see each other!¨ Zane smiled a soft smile. ¨ Cool. Maby we will. Maby we will.¨       I thought high school was going to be a breeze, oh how wrong I was. If only I knew what was going to be coming ahead.

The forced darkness ( ¨The hero's power¨ Series : Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora