They seem suspicious

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Calvin's P.O.V:

I was talking with Mr. West when Zane had gotten up to check on Ashley. Mr. West Held his meaty hand on my shoulder, smiling. He had brought me over to the desk by his bed, and he sat me down on the chair. On the desk there was a large map. Mr. West sat down in front of me, on the other chair. He put his finger on the map, to a small land of grass. " This is our land. He pointed across the map, closer to him. " And this is the realm of death. The king is named Lord of Death, and he will kill all to get the land of Reston, our land. We are the ones to stop him and his minions." He leaned back on his chair, his weight making the chair creak. " Oh, yeah. Go call Ashley and the Zane boy, will you?" He closed his eyes, and sighed. He pulled out a pipe and began to smoke. He hummed a gentle hum.

I got up from the chair and I walked to the second bedroom door. It was closed, and I could hear talking. I stopped. I stayed there for about a few minutes, waiting for the right minute to knock and call for them. I didn't. I slowly tip-toed out of the hallway, going back to Mr. West. 

Mr. West was still there, sitting on his chair, humming to himself. 

" Um, Sir? I told them. They will come out soon." I lied.  

" Good, good. Come here boy, I need to talk to you, about Ashley." 

When Mr. West told me this, I got nervous. I sat back down on the chair. Mr. West's voice went into a wispier. " Ashley is a good girl, and I have been wanting a son for a long time. You seem so much like me- I mean someone that I knew. Anyways, I feel like you would seem like a great son, for m-me. What I am saying is, I want you to marry Ashley." 

There was a long silence, before I talked. Me, marrying Ashley West!? How does anyone even get to that conclusion. Sure, she was pretty and nice, but I wasn't in love with her. Okay, maybe I liked her, but I didn't love her. Plus, I could tell that Zane had liked her. Not that I cared, of course!!... Anyways, let's continue... 

" I'm sorry Mr. West, but I can't do that, I am sorry, thank you for the offer, but I won't accept. I'm sorry." I said to him. 

Mr. West's Pipe slide across his mouth, but his face remained a smiling expression. " I see, well, I guess I pushed my luck to hard, aye?" He smoked out a cluster of smoke. I heard the sound of feet coming from the hallway. 

The door opened, and Mr. West began to speak to me, " And that the eastern village of Yeplar. Don't get it confused with the Western village of Fignat though, they look the same." I nodded my head, and I excused myself. I got up and walked over to where Ashley and Zane were sitting on the bed, talking about something. 

" Hey, guys! What you guys talking about?" Zane whipped around to look at me, his Chestnut brown hair blowing in the wind, and his brown eyes darted to me. His hand was on Ashley's leg, so he moved it to go on his lap. Ashley was blushed deeply, so I could tell something was off about them and me. 

" No-Nothing Calvin. We were just talking-..." 

" Oh, Okay! I'll just go..." 

I could tell they were hiding something, but I decided to not ask them what it was. I walked into the hallway, thinking to myself, 

" Great! now we just need to figure out a way to get out of this place, and back home!" 

I walked out the room, thinking that nothing could stop us from getting back home, but I was wrong, for little did I know, that a dangerous fiend was coming for us, and had been wanting us dead for a while...

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