Death wants you

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Third person P.O.V : 

The dark Trew, the one who had harmed Ashley and Mr. West a month ago, had just returned to it's home, The Realm of Death. He walked ( floated) across the blood red grass, making the only sign of life wilt. He walked across the red trees and the red mountains, before reaching the palace of the dead, where his master, The Lord of Death lived. 

Soon, the Trew had entered the throne room. There, laying on the throne, was the Lord of Death himself. He was black eyes, skin as red as dried blood, and yellow teeth, which were leaking of fresh blood. He smiled as he saw his minion had arrived. He sat on the throne, with some of his highest minion officials sat around him on small stone slabs, which were levating from the ground.

" Why hello, Trew-tang. What a pleasure to have you back with us!"  The lord said. The Trew bowed. 

" My lord, I have found were they boys are hidden at! I now know where they are, you will now know where they are!" 

The lord smiled evilly. " Of course I will, Trew-Tang! But you know the ceremony for that to happen, is a pretty painful one indeed. Are you sure you can handle the pain?"

Trew-Tang smiled, and nodded. He knelled on one knee, and held his head down. The lord pulled out a sharp knife, shining green. He slowly put it over the Trew's head, making a circle-like motion around his head. Then, he stabbed the knife into the Trew's head, making blood splatter out from his skull. There was a horrible cry, as blood spilled across the floor. 

The lord grabbed the Trew's head into his palms, and looked inside of his now-broken skull. He stuck his hand in the skull, and he pulled out a silver thread of electric light. He chuckled softly. 

" Now I will have the Trew's memories, and I will now know where to fine the boys. Hee-ha-hee!!!" 

He stepped down from his throne, admiring the thread. He walked, and as he did so, his heel crushed the bloody skull even more. The Trew had been killed, for service. The lord held the thread with one hand, and in the other he held the small knife and began to slowly cut his forehead. He did even wince. He stuffed the thread of light into his head, and with a single breath, his wound healed. He marched out of the throne-room, with his officials, leaving the crush Trew body on the bloody palace floor. 

Zane's P.O.V :

Gasp. I flung up my body from my bed sheets so quickly, that I cracked my back. I was sweating, and I was breathing hard. The dream seemed so real, I felt as if I was there with the lord himself. 

Calvin mumbled and grumbled, as he turned his body, to face the wall. He then began to snore. I sighed, knowing that Calvin would not wake up. I turned my head to check for Ashley and Mr. West. I saw that Mr. West was sleeping, his back facing me. Then I looked at Ashley. She was laying on her side, but her eyes were opened. 

" Zane, are you okay, what happened?" She whispered to me. 

I didn't know how to respond, so I tried my best. 

" I-I had a nightmare. About the Lord of Death. He was doing something horrible." 

Ashley smiled as she sat up. " Do you want to talk about it? Some where more private?" 

" Yeah." 

We went into the second bedroom, and my mind went back to yesterday, when Ashley and I, had first  'talked'. I sat on the bed edge, and Ashley sat next to me. 

" So what happened?"

I told her everything. When I was finished, she looked at me in a very worried way. 

" This is not good. We might need to get you and Calvin away from where the Lord of Death knows you are at. I could tell my father about this tomorrow. Okay?" 

" Okay, but is it only going to me and Calvin leaving? An-and not you too..." 

I sounded like a whimpering dog. Ashley smiled softly. 

" Of course I'll be there with you and Calvin. And so will my dad, hopefully." 

She kissed my nose. 

" Anyways, we should probably get some sleep now, I'm exhausted." 

" Same..." 

My eyes slowly started to close. I could see that Ashley had her eyes closed as well. I hugged her gentle, and I slowly drifted off to sleep...

The forced darkness ( ¨The hero's power¨ Series : Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant