Friends right?

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The sound of birds chirping, and the bright sunlight hitting against my face woke me up. I looked to my side, seeing Ashley there. She was curled up, hugging tightly on my arm. I smiled. I moved, so that my head was right next to her's. I could hear her soft heartbeat, and I could feel her breath gently warm my chest. I kissed her forehead, hoping that she would rename sleeping. She didn't. She looked up at me, her eyes glistening. 

" W-What happened?" She yawned. " What time is it?" 

She sat upright, letting go of my arm. She rubbed her eyes and looked at me. She smirked.

" Your hair is messy. Fix it. And brush your teeth as well, your breath was horrible to inhale." 

I blushed. " Right away, Ash. Just let me get up..." 

She pushed my back on the bed and hugged me so tight that I thought I might die. 

" C-Can't B-breat-th..." She looked at me. She got up and helped my up as well. 

" Oops, sorry." Before I could say anything to respond, the room door busted open. Calvin was there, wearing only his underwear, an unbuttoned white shirt, and a messed up tie. 

" Guys!? You were in here!? What- what were you guys doing!?..."

Ashley and I blushed deeply. " Nothing!" Ash said quickly. " Just talking! Um, bye!" She rushed out the room, then she made a random comment on how she needed to brush her hair, so she ran to the restroom. Calvin just stared at me. 

" What did you guys do in here?" He said as he glared at me.

" W-Why do you wanna know?" 

" Mr. West and I were searching for you and Ashley, because we thought that someone or something had came in the night and had taken you guys! Now answer me!" 

The last part he yelled. 

" N-nothing! Just talking! That's it..." 

Mr. West came running in. " What happened Cal'? Did you find themm..." 

He looked at Calvin and then at me. He didn't smile. 

" Good, the Zane boy is here. Now where is Ashley?" 

" She's in the bathroom." I said. 

Mr. West looked at me, and then Calvin. " What did I miss?" 

" I found Zane and Ashley in the room, together, alone. Zane claims they were just talking, but I don't believe him." 

Mr. West chuckled. " If the boy swears it's true, then just say it is and let it be! As the father once told me; 'ᚠᚳᚹᚠᚺᚪ  ᚡᚤᚳᚧᚤᚸᚤ  ᚺᚮᚵᚫ  ᚥᚫᚧᚤᚣᚪ,  ᚪᚮ  ᚺᚮᚵ  ᚣᚮᚰ'ᚴ  ᚣᚧᚤ!' Of course, he almost got killed by his best friend, so yeah, but y'all will do just fine as friends, I just know it!" 

( ᚠᚳᚹᚠᚺᚪ ᚡᚤᚳᚧᚤᚸᚤ ᚺᚮᚵᚫ ᚥᚫᚧᚤᚣᚪ, ᚪᚮ ᚺᚮᚵ ᚣᚮᚰ'ᚴ ᚣᚧᚤ! means ; Always believe your friends, so you don't die!) 

Mr. West walked out of the room, humming a little tune to himself. 

Calvin looked at me and sighed. " Sorry. I just got, never mind." He walked out the room. 

" My life sucks." I said to myself. Ashley walked in, her hair fixed. She leaned against the doorway, making her shirt sleeves slip down, and she smirked as I stared at her appearance. 

" I thought I told you to fix your hair. I'm guessing you didn't brush your teeth either, huh?" 

I blushed and shook my head. " That's what I thought!" She walked over to me. " Get up, I need to take you to eat. W'ere having sausage and eggs. Now get up and follow me." She held out her hand, and I grabbed it. I kissed her cheek and we walked out the room. 

I was hoping that my life was going to be great after we all leave, but of course I would have to leave first, and I was sure that we couldn't just wish and we leave back home. We would have to fight our way out. I would agree to that, but only if Calvin, Mr. West, and Ashley were by my side. 

We would all be Friends, right? 

The forced darkness ( ¨The hero's power¨ Series : Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now