Drane West

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             The treehouse was beautful inside. the kitchen was in the back on the first floor, next to the couch, acroos from the TV. The carpet was blue and green, the same color as Ashley's eyes. There was a chest room under the stairs. Ashley walked slowy up the stairs, waving her hand at us, indicating for us to follow. We Obliged. The second floor was also pretty. Four beds were layed out next to each other, each one seperated by a Drawers. Two tables sat in the middle of the room, with a man sitting on a chair. 

                Creeeeeeak. The Man looked up. He had green eyes, like Ashley's, like a forest. He had a faint beard, and a big war scar across his face, going across his left eye, to his right cheek. He looked at Ashley and us, and frowned. ¨ Ashley, who have you brought here?¨ I noticed that there was sword racks everywhere in the room. ¨ Hi dad! These are my new friends, Calvin Stoll and Zane Wilder.¨ She said my name so sweetly, that I feel warm inside. Mr. West's frown wavered. ¨ Calvin Stoll and Mr. Zane Wilder... Are you good in sword-fighting?¨ Mr. West eyed us from the table. My body began to sweat again. " Well, I'm not-" " Me and Calvin are some of best sword-fighters in the world!" Zane cut in, smiling nervously. " Once, Calvin and I sliced the head of a dragon, single-handly, saving a small village near the east." Zane leaned back against the wall. Mr. West's frown faded. He smiled. " Well. Ashley why didn't you tell me we had heroes coming over today?" Mr. West chuckled. " I didn't even know that." Ashley mumbled. " Well Ash, You'd be lucky to have one of these swordsmen as your own personal body-guard, you know.¨ He winked at me. I felt hot all of a sudden. Ashley blushed as red as a rose. ¨ Daaaad.¨ Mr. West laughed to himself. ¨ I know, I know. Well,¨ He stood up from the chair. ¨ I better give Vanessa her apples for the day.¨ He looked at Zane and I again. ¨ You to can stay here as well.¨ He looked at Ashley, and then back at us, giving a thumbs up. 

                     Mr. West grabbed an apple basket, and walked away, whisiling a song I didn't know. Ashley looked Zane and I, her blushing appearance had faded. ¨ Well, My bed is the blue one, my dad has the purple one, so I guess you can choose one of the other two.¨ Ashley pointed to the beds. There was a red one next to Ashley's, and a green one next to the wall. I walked up to the green bed, and Zane sat on the red one. All of a sudden, Mr. West hollered something in another language, that I couldn't understand. Ashley turned her head. She ran downstairs, with Zane and I hot on her tail. 

                                              When we reached the bottom of the stairs, and were on ground level, I spotted Mr. West on the ground, sweating and bleeding from cuts and wounds. He had a sword in his hand, trying to block something attacking him. I looked to what he was fighting. I gasped in alarm. There was the same black figure again. I looked at Zane. He looked at me. ¨ I-I-Is that the creature that-that killed Mr. Penter?¨ I asked studdering. Zane noded grimly. Ashley looked at Zane and I. ¨ Well, Are you waiting for an invitation? Come on, Help me fight!¨ Ashley pulled two steel swords, which Zane and I were givin. Ashley then out her own weapon, her shiny bronze dagger. She charged, yelling a war cry I could not hear. Zane and I followed her into battle.

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