chapter 22: short chapter :-)

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Being left out of a friend group is possibly the worse feeling to have as a teenager—the betrayal and hurt never stops. Watching as your best friend becomes acquainted with someone new and then watching as the two become closer, and closer, and closer, and closer. It's terrible. Truly terrible.

But as he watched her smile and laugh at his corny jokes, it was something more than hurt... it was jealousy. He hated that she was comfortable with Oliver enough to allow him to touch her when it took him a long time for her to accept his presence. The two kicked off like no one else was around..? What a cruel joke.

He tried to speak, his jokes were funnier than Oliver's but the issue came in when he couldn't get the words out. Maybe it was better to observe her being happy with him than to ruin such a good moment.

"Li, i'm going to go now, okay?"

She glanced at him, gave a nod, then went back to socializing to the new guy. God, this stung. It was like being stung by a wasp twenty-thousand times in the same spot. This moment was not even that important! They had all the time in the world to chit chat, to catch up, but they chose now to do it? Why? Why is it him? Why does she always choose someone else? Does she not realize the feelings being thrown at her?

These thoughts rammed into the crevices of Colton's mind until he eventually only thought of them.

He couldn't let one thing go—the way she reacted.

She trembled and got clammy at the sight of him and then suddenly they are like Bonnie and Clyde? It doesn't make sense.

and then it made sense.

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