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Colby watched his wife move to the stove and turn it off silently. He watched her remove the pan from the burner and place it on the counter.

It was silent in the kitchen, too silent for his liking.

"Rebecca," he said and she was quiet and he walked over to her slowly, placing his hands on her waist "Rebecca.." He said

"Is that why?" She asked, "Is that why you've been coming home late every night this week?"

"No" he shook his head "I don't know who that is from" he shook his head

"You're lying," she said looking in his eyes "I can see it in your eyes. You can lie to everyone else in the world but you can't lie to me" she shook her head

"I'm not lying to you. I have no idea who that is" he said she could see the panic in his eyes

He was desperate for her to believe him.

Rebecca nodded and moved to grab his phone from the counter, he watched her type in his password and go to the message again and he watched her stare at it before clicking on the number and calling it, she put it on speaker and stared at him the entire time the phone rang on the other end.

She refused to break eye contact with him.

"Colby.." She heard a woman's voice answer on the opposite end of the phone and her jaw dropped and his eyes widened "I didn't think I'd hear from you especially since Rebecca's home" the woman said and Rebecca felt the anger building in her as the tears formed in her eyes

She hung up the phone and threw it on the counter

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She questioned in almost a whisper

"Rebecca.." He said shaking his head and she turned to walk away from him before he grabbed her hand "No.." He said as she pulled away from him "No.." He said as he reached for her again

"Do not touch me!" She yelled now as she backed away from him "Don not fucking touch me! Do not talk to me! Do not even look at me!" She yelled

"Baby.." He said walking towards her only to make her back away from him "Please!" He begged

"Out of everything we've been through.. everything we have had to endure over the last three years.. after the vows that we said.. you poured your heart out to me in front of everyone at our wedding! You promised me that we are forever!"

"WE ARE!" He yelled over her now

"If we are forever, Why are you sneaking around?" She questioned and he was silent and that was enough to solidify it for her and she shook her head "Ya know... out of everybody it could have been.. out of everybody you could have fucked around with behind my back... why did it have to be her?" She questioned, "Why did it have to be your secretary?" 

Fate - Brollins AUWhere stories live. Discover now