Chapter 22- Eijiro Kirishima

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(A/N: im just gonna start putting random pictures at the top, sometimes music too if y'all want)


The mysterious villain landed, causing a gust of smoke to arise and a few trees to be uprooted and blown away.

"Ouchh." I groaned as I stood back up.

Trying my best to keep my balance, I noticed Bakugo wondering a few feet away from me.

I didn't want to yell for him incase the villain was nearby. Yelling would give away our location.

So instead, I quietly jogged over to him.

"Hey Bakubro," I whispered as I touched his shoulder. Seems I might've frightened him, for he threw me over his shoulder, Judo Flip style.

"Bro. Not cool." I said as I lay on the floor.

A sigh of relief escaped his mouth as he realized it was just me.

Bakugo scoffed and said, "Not my fault, Shitty-hair. You know I don't like being snuck up on." as he helped me to my feet.

"Come on, let's go find the others." I told him.

We ran around, swatting the smoke, trying to see better.

Soon enough, we bumped into someone.

"Tch! Of course it'd be you we bump into." Bakugo told Midoriya.

"Okay, calm down Bakubro." I told him.

"Tch" Replied Bakugo.

Will Solace interrupted and asked why this villain was after Midoriya, which was a very good question that we all wanted an answer to. But, of course, Midoriya himself didn't even know why.

"We need a plan." Everyone decided.

"But then what do you propose we do?" Midoriya asked, after his suggestion to sacrifice himself got shut down.

"KILL HI-" Bakugo started.

"No." I told him.

Just then, Todoroki emerged from the smoke.

"DAMN ICY-HOT, HOW'D YOU GET HERE!" Bakugo yelled.

"well i walked over here with my feet-" Todoroki started.

"Okayyyyy!" Will says cutting them both off, "Any plan ideas?" he asks Todoroki.

"yes, actually." Todoroki says, "and you're going to be the star."

He directed that to Will Solace, leaving us all intrigued about what he has to say.

He tells us the plan and surprisingly, everyone decides to go through with it.

"Got it?" He asks us.

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Nobody better screw this up!" Bakugo commands.

"Awwww, you worried we might get hurt?" I tease him.


"I founddd youuuu" a creepy voice said coming from the smoke. I wondered how the smoke was still up this long.

Bakugo, Midoriya, Will, Nico, Todoroki and I formed a circle, readying for attack. In the distance, I spotted the villain.

"There!" Everyone simultaneously shouted and pointed in opposition locations.

"huh?" Nico said, "The guys right over there!" he said as he pointed north.

"No, he's over here!" Midoriya pointed east.

I faced south-west and saw this guy getting closer and closer. What was going on? Are there...Are there more than one villains here?

A/N: Plot twist haha!!!

Sorry for having not posting for a while again, school has been quite hectic. In fact, as I am typing this, I am supposed to be finishing an essayyyy...(i haven't started yet)

Anyways, hope you all like this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter, Chapter 23- Denki Kaminari!!

Until next time,

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