Chapter 2

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Inpus pov
Me and bryan couldn't sleep for what we think was the night. He was in a lot of pain throughout the night it was mostly cold as well sense we couldn't clean up we didn't want to sleep on cum so we covered it with the blanket and used his wings and my tails for as much warmth as we could get. It didn't work but it was warm enough. Me and him decided to sit on the floor and cuddle with him sitting on my lap as my arm was still chained to the bed. 
"Knock knock~" Sr sings as he walks in smirking with a small bag around his neck.
"What do you want now rose don't you think you've tortured bryan enough lately!? " I growl holding him closer being careful of his cuts.
"Well obviously I've done enough to him but your still a brat and not listening so its your turn inpu~" sr smriked grabbing bryan by his hair and walking over to a wall and chaining him with his arms up.
I stood up and tried fighting the chain to get over to him but failing quickly. "LET HIM GO ROSE! "  I yell jerking against the chain i see him quickly leave Bryan's side walking over to me. Bryan hangs his head mummering something to himself as he grips the chains tightly.
"You see this is what I mean inpu however I do feel as tho your going to be a little harder to break. " he smirks as he moves closer laying the bag on the bed.
"Your not doing shit rose! " I growl  moving as far away as I can until the chain tugs.
"There's no escape inpu~" he teases coming closer.
He grabbed the chain pulling me closer to him until I'm in his arms. He trys grabbing my chin. I fought back but he forces me to look up at him.  He quickly smirks as his hand slight rubs my cheek.  He holds the chain tightly and begins rubbing my ear. He goes into it as his cold breath hits he quietly whispers.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard your not gonna be able to walk or deny me anything for bryan for weeks~" he pulls me into a kiss. I refuse to return it he quickly begins to bite my lower lip slightly cutting it with his sharp teeth.
I feel him move me onto the bed laying me down and stopping the kiss.
"You ready" he smirks
I shake my head but he continues anyway. He chains my other hand then strips me. I squirm trying to fight him off.  He soon pins me down as he reachs for his bag.
"What's in the bag!? " I asked trying to get out of his grip.
"Oh just some fun toys'" rose says as he digs through the bag.
Roses pov
Inpu has been such a brat lately so I might as well teach him a lesson a hard lesson~. Ive got him pines down and chained to the bed.
"Inpu stop fucking squirming I swear! " I yell making his ears flitch... They must be sensitive to soud I could use that.
" well maybe I wouldn't be squirming  if you weren't going to be rapeing me and my husband. "Inpu says as he pulls on the chains trying to break them.
" oh dear well this is considered training and dear Bryan's now technically my property I marked him~" I smirk
"you can't mark someone who's already been marked dumbass that's also not how it works you don't own either of us! " he yells now looking over at bryan who's started crying as he hangs there with only being able to stand up by the chains around his wrist.  I finally find what I'm wanting from the bag. It was a vibrating dildo I take it out a inpus  eyes fill with fear.
"W-what are you doing with that! " he moves more now trying to keep his legs shut.
"There's no escape inpu. " I tease as I move back over to him and grab his things and spread his legs apart. I then quickly grab a little bit more rope and tie his feat to each of the bed post so he can't move them.
I walk back over as he continues to fight the chains and ropes. I pet his ear making him slightly moan as I shove the judge dildo/ vibrador into him. I slowly begin slowly thrusting it and then soon as I go quicker I add vibrations quickly getting up to 100% and moving it in and out. Inpu moans spiraled out perfectly with each thrust as his tails spread further apart. I continue to pump the dildo but begin giving him a slight hand job. It doesn't take long for inpu yo cum from over stimulation. You see while as bryan can't cum inpu is going to cum as much as I can get him to cum until he can't anymore. I quicken the pace of the dildo and slowly I begin to add my member in aswell I begin pumping both do the two dicks in his ass both at the same fast speed as one vibrates heavily.  I reach over and grab my bag grabbing the clothes pins clipping them onto his nipples like I did to bryan. I reach in again grabbing string and tie it to the pins carefully pulling it going faster thrusting into him he moans more as I tug more.
Bryan's pov
I hear inpus pained moans as sr is fucking him probably torturing him. I can't do anything I'm stuck here weak chained up. I begin crying hearing him moan louder. Why are things like this and why is rose doing this now he had chances to we're inpu wouldn't be involved and I was weak. Did he not want me to be weak or did he like both of us. Questions blew through my mind  I then feel someone above me unchaining me.
I look up there stood sr he grabbed the fount but of my hair squating down pulling my head up. I grunted and looked at him pissed off but not arguing trying to protect Inpu.
"Seems like your missing out on the fun this time bryan how about you join usss~" I teases picking me up and placing me onto the bed next to inpu. He apparently had unchained his legs and inpu was covered in cum and still  had the vibrating dildo and the pins in/on. He was breathing hard with streaks of tears running down his face.
"I-inpu? " I say starting to tear up. I put my hand on his cheek.
"Bryan knees now or I do more to him. " sr says I sit on my knees quickly he walks over and tugs my arms behind my back and I feel him wrap it in something. I'm then tugged down to where I'm laying on my feet. He then begins spreading my thighs. He walks over to his bag and graps a gag and ties it around my head this time having the ball in it. 
Inpus pov
Rose finally stopped he unchained bryan I thought he was done he dragged bryan over and sat him on the bed. I see bryan begin to tear up. He grabs my cheek and stutters my name.
"Bryan knees now or I do more to him. " rose threatens I look over and see bryan being tied and put into a uncomfortable position if he wasn't really flexible luckily he was.  Rose walks across smirking as he digs into the bag grabbing a gag and placing it onto bryan. I can tell he's in a lot of pain due to the cuts and he's only doing this to protect me.
"L-leave him a-alone" I say turning my head I know I can't do much my arms are tied and my legs hurt to much to walk. 
"Hmm nah" rose says  as he goes back to bryan.
Roses pov
I disagree with inpu luckily this time he can't really stop me from doing this.

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