Chapter 21

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Bryan's pov.
I Huff and let my arms hang I could hear lotus and Atlas playing in the other room. I was glad they were safe but I still wanted to get us out of here. I look over at inpu who seemed to be messing with the chains.
"Inpu? "
"You alright dear? " he continued picking at the lock.
"Yeah... What do you think is going to happen?" He stopped and sighed turning towards me and staring into my eyes.
"I'm sorry Bryan but... I don't know " he looked down sad and pulled his legs up.
"I just hope nothing happens to the kids. " he looked sad and I was too. We didn't know what was going to happen.
Roses pov.
I sat at my study reading over the journal, I thought of the time trying to figure out how I can get back into Bryan's head. I open another book, thus one read bk towards a cupboard in the study grabbing a small mixing bowl and a stirrer. I bring it over to the table a begin to think... What connects me and Bryan?

I smirk walking out to the main area picking a pink rose it was one of the few I had, I brought the fragile thing back to my study. Now the blood. I grab my sword and the bowl and walk down stairs. I shove the sword in its holder on my belt as I grab the keys and walk towards the door way, opening it to see inpu sitting with his legs up as they seemed to be talking. I close the door getting their attention.
"What now rose" inpu growls glaring at me. I chuckle and walk towards the bed setting the bowl and pulling my sword out and setting the two on the bed. I grab my keys locking the door to the kids room.
"I just need a little thing from Bryan something just little and he can either let it happen or I can take some by force~"
Bryan looked scared as I walked towards him slightly carressing his arm moving my arms down to his chest.
"What do you even want rose! " inpu growls seeing Bryan wider eyed and go tense.
I grab his chin gripping his cheeks turning his head left to right examineing the familiar face.
"Just a life bit of blood~" i smirk seeing small bits of fear cover Bryan's face.
"If you do I'll give you and the children food heck I'll let Bryan cook if he wants or I'll let you all have family time together without these little chains~" I pull on one of the ones around Bryan's wrist. I look over at inpu who's staring at Bryan.
" dear it's your choice " he sighed as Bryan was breathing heavily as they stare into my eyes then looking over at inpu as he looks scared as well.
"F-fine just do it but you better keep your word! " Bryan growls shooting daggers at me. I chuckle and move my hands grabbing my sword right as I place it against his arm he stops me.
"Wai-wait this isn't the spell you used on xylo i-is it? " I smirk.
"Well you'll just have to wait and see now hold still. " I chuckle sliding the blade across his skin the skin slowly opening it as Bryan breathed heavily as he watched. I sat the bowl against his arm as the blood dripped into the bowl. I smirk as it filled a quarter of the bowl taking it away and setting it aside. I take some bandages off the side table and lightly bandage the wound. I walk away and get almost to the door.
"Wa-wait when are we going to get to do that stuff! " bryan calls I turn shoving the blade into my holister. I shrug my shoulders and turn leaving the room. I lock the door and head back upstairs hearing faint yelling from the two as I headed back up to my office. I set the bowl down on the desk and put my sword away and grab a dagger cutting a spot on my wrist letting the purple ish blood pour into the bowl mixing with the crimson red. I set the dagger down removing my wrist letting the blood dripping down my hand. I walk grabbing the small rose and set it into the mixture looking at the recipe again. I grabbed the mixture or crusher, carefully grinding the ingredients together the blood making redish purple with tints of pink. I stop mixing it setting the bowl on the table.
"I suppose I should use this while he's asleep" I chuckle talking to myself putting the bowl on a shelf covering it with a book. I smile leaving my office going to find xiphos.
"Xiphos! " I yell wandering around the floating castle I hear muffled talking I walk in seeing xiphos and kat talking, while sitting on the large bed. I smile and run over jumping on the bed laughing scaring Kat.
"BROTHER! " xiphos smiled pulling me into a huge hug. I choke a bit hugging him back, he soon let's go giving me a chance to breathe. I smile laying against him.
"So whatchu two doing? " xiphos gets excited and kat chuckles.
"Xiphos found his sword" I gasp looking up at him.
"great job brother!!! I'm so proud of you! " xiphos eyes lit up as he teared up
"Yo-your proud of me! " he hugged me tighter I laugh feeling my lungs being squeezed out. I pant and chuckle.
"Al-alright brother too ti-IGT!" He squeezes tighter,
"Xiphos you don't your brother to end up like the bear now do you? " Kat says as xiphos looks scared loosening the hug. I smile laying my head on his shoulder.
After a few minutes he let's go we talk a little enjoying all of each other's company. I look out the window seeing the sun slowly setting over the horizon with stars following behind it. I smile and look at xiphos.
"I gotta go brother I need to take care of a few guest of mine" I smile seeing him nod yawning.
"Okay brother" he hugged me again with me returning it and leaving. I stop at my office first grabbing the mixture then head back to the main room.
"Rose." an angry voice booms throughout the room I jump and growl setting the mixture on the table and turn towards the familiar being. It's footsteps thumped walking closer towards me he was taller then me and was pissed. He pulled out his sythe the golden blade making a ringing sound as it is pulled out of the holister. His silver hair flowing behind him. I chuckle
"Hello mors~ long time no see. " I chuckle my wings fluttering behind me, I reach back pulling out my sword blood still dripping off of it. He seems to get more pissed his eyes glowing slightly. I smile seeing his blood boil just starring at me.
"It's time rose" he laughs floating up his dark wings flapping harshly with him.
I chuckle floating up as well matching his height.
"What last time you tried this mors it failed more than miserably! " he laughs
"Yeah but this time I won't fail! "
I laugh flying higher up and spreading all my limbs out laughing hysterically.
"OKAY THAN TRY AND HIT ME! " I laugh as he sends out a blast I douge out of the way with it hitting the wall.
He growls as I laugh floating around several more blasts were sent my way as I dodge them. I laugh enjoying seeing mors get more and more pissed off
"My turn~" I send a black hole behind him entraping mors. I send out the entrapment spell so he couldn't move. Small weak blasts are thrown at me damaging the floor a little
I go up to him as he fights the spell.
"LET ME OUT OF HERE ROSE! " He growled trying to get out.
"Mmh~ nah~" I chuckle "what are you even trying to obtain in fighting me mors still crying over me killing your daddy~" I laugh makeing fake tears as I scrunch my fist against my cheeks moving them.
"I'm going to fucking kill you rose! " he growled reaching his hands out towards my neck. I laugh "seems like someones got a god complex there now I don't really want to deal with this at the moment I'll vist soon maybe you'll put up a real fight"
Bryan's pov.
Loud commotions were coming from upstairs, argueing and explosions kept shaking the rooms I sigh I look over inpu and femi had been reading one of our books and both had passed out with femi laying on inpus chest. I smile and sigh wondering if rose would actually keep their word. Atlas came into the bedroom with lotus following close behind.
"Hello Atlas lotus" I smile as they both yawn standing on my side of the bed.
"Could we sleep with you brydad? " Atlas asked I feel my heart warm.
"Of course come in up" Atlas helped lotus up and then climbed up Atlas got comfy laying on my chest while lotus layed between me and inpu. They both almost immediately fell asleep. I laugh to myself enjoying haveing my family all around me as I slowly drift off to sleep.
Roses pov.
I turn away thinking it's fine to leave mors in the entrapment while I go and do the spell real quick, as I was half way down I heard a loud pop before I could turn around I was thrown across the room and pinned by my neck to the throne. I choked staring into mors cold dead eyes. I chuckle gagging a bit a small smirk forms across my face as I reach my arms up gripping mors neck he chuckles back closing his grip further on my neck. I gag more and move my weight foreword pushing the two of us down the stairwell onto the floor mors landed on to top of me. He growls gripping my neck more as he starts bunching my face probably breaking my nose as I feel liquid pour out of it.
I smirk bending my knees kicking his stomach as he falls back I pant reaching for my sword I gasp seeing his foot pin my arm down I hear a slight crunch I cry out he squats down grabbing my chin making me look up at him.
"Not so strong now are you" he laughs smashing my head into the concrete.  I growl seeing a large smirk covering his face.
"Fu-fuck you! " I growl and crawl trying to reach my sword. Mors looks over and smirks standing up I Huff crawling over feeling pressure on my leg and a crushing feeling.
"AH-AHH" I scream tears falling down my cheeks I move my finger tips touching the Holt of the blade pulling it towards me. Smirk still panting turning quickly stabbing mors in the leg. He groans gripping his leg I weakly get up and pull my sword out as blood dripped down his leg. I growl feeling my body throb wiping the blood coming out my nose. I growl getting into fighting stance as he aims his sythe at me.
"I-im going to make you suffer rose and I'm gonna make sure you have a slow painful death. " mors shouted.
"What are you really doing here mors I haven't touched you or the camp in months! " I growl
He panted starring daggers into my eyes.
"I want vengeance for my father! " I rolled my eyes.
"You always say that can't think of a better reason huh" I growl gripping my arm his leg seemed limp I send an entrapment spell trapping him for a short amount of time.
"Your a pussy rose! " he growled
I groan "says the bitch who thinks violence his the answer to all his fucking problems maybe rethink a few things jackass. " I send a few dark orbs stunning him as wounds formed on his body.
"Now mors you have two options"
He laughs, "you think I'm gonna listen to you! "
I send stronger orbs at him going through his body makeing small but painful fractures in his body aiming at his ribs.
"Gah! " he gasps panting grunting in pain
"Now, your options are go back to camp and leave or I can lock you up and beat the shit out of you till you slowly die~" I chuckle getting closer refreshing the spell keeping him trapped.
"Now pick~" I growl,
"A" he growled obvious unhappy and in pain. I chuckle "good" I move the purple bubble over the sea a distance away from the base and open it dropping him.
I growl watching as he fly's away swearing he'll be back or some shit. I Huff turning around seeing the bowl still sitting on the table I smirk picking it up and heading down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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