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Domonique was handling Harley with force as they walked towards the police station.
Harleys POV
I walked slowly inside the police station.My hands were cuffed.Water dripped from my body.I was laughing as tears filled my eyes.I knew my makeup was getting ruined.I was shaking so bad.Because of the cold water.I was given a Jail sign with my number to take a picture.I held it up and I smiled real big as the camera flashed.
Jokers POV
I was being escorted into the police station.I was soaking wet.My hands were cuffed.I was giggling and growling at everybody.I was tryna fight the cops off, by biting.I was being shoved and pushed all around and screamed at.But I laughed hysterically and screamed back.
"It's about time we lock your ass up! you fuckin psycho" !
I licked my tongue out and laughed.
"Are you crazy" ?!
"Mhm" ! I said giggling
I was given a sign with my number.N I smiled real big as the camera flashed in my face.
"Get my good side" I said smirking
"Stop being obnoxious JOKER" !
"Is it time for me to get naked yet" ?! I said laughing
The cop grabs and slings me into a side room.
I slung my clothes off and threw my draws right at the cops.He screams, and I laughed so damn loud.
Harleys POV
"Is that my puddin I hear" ?!
I can hear him cackling on the other side of the building.
Jokers POV
I suddenly hear Harley.
Harleys POV
I begin to scream hysterically.
All of the prison woman and guards was covering their ears and yelling at me to stop.
"YOU SDFU" !!!
I bitch slapped one of the prisoners.She screams and falls to the floor.I kicked her head in.
"Now stay down BIATCH"!
I growled at everybody else.
"Y'all want some too" ?!
They all gasped , jumped and backed away.
Jokers POV
"Is that Joker" ?? I hear a prisoner say
"They done finally caught yo ass" !
I laughed. "Unfortunately"
"Yo lil skinny ass gon get beat up ,we big tough rough men"
I seized the big buff dude with a evil smile.He seizes me back.I immediately sucker punched his big ass beer belly in.He screams and falls to the floor.I jumped my li ass on top of his chest and i punched him multiple times in the throat.He couldn't breathe, he was screeching and gasping for air.
"You was saying what about my lil skinny ass" ?
He couldn't even speak, because he was still in pain and tryna catch his breath.I hopped up and glared at all of the other men.
"Y'all wanna say sum" ?
They all shook their heads quickly saying no.
Harleys POV
| a day later|
I was sitting in a isolated cell.I had killed like 4 woman prisoners and stabbed a guard to death.I sat Indian style on a tiny bed as I read the Bonnie and Clyde documentary book.
"Awww so romantic" I said smiling
"Quinn Quinn" !!!
I gasped and glanced up at the door.
"PUDDIN" !!!!
"Stand back" !
I jumped back, and the door was being shot up and shot down.
"My baby " !
"You know daddy Joker was gonna come and get his baby girl" !
I jumped in his arms and we tongue kissed with passion.
"I love you so much Joker"
Tears filled my eyes.
"I love you more Harley Quinn"
"Let's get the fuck Outta here puddin" !
He picks me up and he ran threw.Dead bodies filled the floors.Blood was everywhere.All of the guards bodies was covering the floors.They laid in their puddle of blood.More guards was coming and Joker was shooting them down like we were in a video game.
"DIE! DIE! DIE" !! I screamed and giggled.
"Fuckin bitches" ! He screams
"Go! Go! Go" !

We ran out the building and puddin putts me down.He slips a tiny device out his pocket and clicks a red button and BOOM!!! The entire prison blew up into flames.
He suddenly kneels down.I gasped.My heart nearly stopped.
"Oh shit" !
"Harleen Quinton would you marry me" ?
Fireworks exploded into the air.I jumped in his arms and we kissed with nothing but sensual love and passion.He takes my hand, and helps me on a black motor bike that we randomly saw and stole.Puddin cranks up the bike.I wrapped my arms around him and placed my head on his back.We sped off down the street.I had the baddest man on the planet.I felt so warm and safe.I was with the love of my life.My husband, my puddin.I love you Joker.

Domonique made it out before it blew.
"FUCK" !! She screams
As she glared at the burning building, she knew all over her police mates were killed.
She quickly calls her husband Justice.
"Hello! baby are you ok" ?!
"I might not make it home tonight, but I love you Justice"
She hangs up.
"Domonique! Domonique! DOMONIQUE" !!
She sighs deeply & hops in her cop car & flys down the street.She pressed hardly on the gas pedal.

Harley & Joker hears the sound of the car engine.Harley looks beck & frowns.
"Oh fuck I thought that bitch bucket was dead" !!!!
"She won't be breathing for long" !!! Joker screams

Justice cuts on the news.He sees a man news reporter talking about the tragic incident that occurred at the station.He gasps.
He tries calling her again, but she didn't answer.She was too busy tryna catch up with Harley & Joker.

"GIVE IT UP YOU TWO" ! She screams on her microphone
"NEVERRRRRRR" !! Harley screams
Joker makes a uturn on the bike.
"Puddin what are you doing" ?
"Do you trust me" ??
"Forever & always"
He pressed harder on the gas pedal & they went flying down the street straight towards Domonique.She screams & before she can swerve out the way.The bike flew in the air & into her car.Glass was shattering every where.The motor bike struck her body & took her head clean off & Harley & Joker dashed threw out the back.Her car flew off the road & it hit a tree, and everything exploded into pieces.Joker stops the bike & they watched & laughed as her car blew up in flames.
"I said that bitch won't be breathing for long"
"Oh puddin , you make me so hot" !
"Let's celebrate the death of Domonique" !
They zoomed down the street.Justice was passing by the station, but he didn't see Domonique car , so he knew she had made it out.He tried calling her again , but no answer.
"Please pick up baby" !
As he flew down the street he seen her car burning up in flames.
"Domonique" !! He cried out
He stops the car & hops out, he ran like the wind towards the car.He dropped to his knees & sobbed like a baby.
"Domoniqueeeeeeeeee" !!!!! He screams out
He knew she was gone & their was nothing he could do to bring her back.


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