Chapter 20

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Rena's POV

"I can't believe my little sister is going to be a movie star!" Rydel squeals, wrapping her arms around me.

"Maybe," I add in, "I still have to agree to even audition."

"You have to at least audition," Gracie shouts, grabbing onto my arm tightly.

"Audition for what?" Thomas questions, walking into the room, a towel wrapped around his shoulders. His hair is still dripping from the pool.

"A new Disney Channel movie. The producers saved her a spot to audition if she wants to. She'd get to keep the mask on for that, but have to take it off during the movie," Gracie explains, giving him a brief summary of the phone call we just had with Julia.

"Well that's exciting!" Thomas exclaims, "I'd give you a hug, but I am still soaking wet from the pool."

"I'll hug you as soon as you go take a shower and get the chlorine off of you," I laugh, smiling at him. Thomas blows me a kiss, then walks into the bathroom to take a shower.

"You are going to at least audition, right?" Rydel questions, her eyes wide.

I groan, "I'll check out the script! If I like it, then I'll audition." The two girls cheer loudly as they hug me tightly. I smile, my stomach flipping.


"In present-day Auradon, Ben, the teenage son of King Adam and Queen Belle, is poised to take the throne. He offers a chance for redemption to the trouble-making teen descendants of defeated villains exiled to the remote Isle of the Lost. The villains' descendants have been granted permission to attend prep school in the kingdom with the Disney heroes' kids," I read from the email Julia sent me.

"Sounds interesting. What's it called?" Rydel asks ad Gracie paints her toenails.

"Descendants. Julia also said they want me to audition for Mal, Maleficent's daughter," I add on, clicking on the link to take me to the audition script.

"How's the script so far?" My best friend inquires, "And don't you dare lie to me about this, Rena Jade Lynch."

I sigh in defeat, "It's really good."

"So are you really ready to say goodbye to the mask if you get the part?" Thomas questions, sitting down beside me. Rydel and Gracie to quiet and turn to look at me. I glance away.

"I'm not sure," I admit, "but I doubt I'll get the role. I'm not that go-"

"Yes you are. You're an amazing actress and everyone knows it, except for you apparently," Gracie cuts in.

"Don't worry about the mask, Rena," Rydel calls out to me, her expression soft, "we'll burn that bridge when we get to it. Okay?"

"Okay," I reply, leaning back against Thomas. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him before he kisses my forehead.

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