Chapter 60

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Rena's POV

"That sucked so badly," I groan, "I know I sounded like an idiot."

"No you didn't," Sofia lies, trying to comfort me, "You did great, Rena."

"No, I didn't," I argue. "I'm so freaking distracted and I couldn't focus on anything. It was like they were speaking a foreign language."

"Calm down, Rena," Cameron tells me, "I promise you that you did great." I roll my eyes at him.

"Why don't you go home and take a nap or something?" Boo suggests, "You seem exhausted." Sofia and Cameron nod in agreement.

"I can't sleep. I have a meeting with manger in half an hour. I barely have time to run home and get changed before going to the recording studio," I tell them, gathering my stuff.

"That sucks. Just take a nap afterwards. We need you well rested for filming Monday," Cam teases. I laugh and nudge his shoulder.

"Have fun at your meeting," Sofia says as she hugs me goodbye, "Don't forget to rest too though."

"See you Monday," Booboo says, hugging me. I give Cameron a quick hug as well before I jog outside to where Brody is waiting with the car.


"Do you have any idea about what my new single is going to be?" I ask Brody as I sit down on the couch beside him

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"Do you have any idea about what my new single is going to be?" I ask Brody as I sit down on the couch beside him. Julia is on the phone and is having us wait.

"Nope. Sorry Rena," he replies, shrugging.

"I just hope that it's no-"

"Rena, Brody," Julia calls, interrupting our conversation, "I'm ready for you now." I stand up and walk into he office, my body guard trailing behind me.

"Don't shoot the messenger," Julia says as soon as we sit down, a frown on her face. My foul mood worsens.

"What did the producers choose as my single?" I demand, knowing that I'm going to hate the answer.

"About The Boy," she finally confesses, wincing. I freeze. About The Boy is one of the first songs I ever wrote about Thomas and me. I held onto it for a couple years without letting anyone hear it. Not even Gracie. Eventually I decided to put it on the album. The point is that About The Boy is a major throwback to when Thomas and I were together and didn't know the shit that would be coming.

"Rena, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I've begged them to choose a different song, but they have their minds made up. We can try to talk them out of it, but I doubt they'll ba-"

"No. I'll just release the stupid song as a new single. What's next?" I ask, desperate to change the subject. I look  away, avoiding both Julia's and Brody's sympathic stares.

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