Chapter 37

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Rena's POV

"Hey Ms. Kooper," I greet, smiling warmly at Gracie's mom.

"Oh it's so good to see you, Rena!" She exclaims, hugging me tightly. I grin and hug her back.

"Hey mom," Gracie speaks up, waking into the kitchen. Ms. Kooper lets go of me and hugs her older daughter. I stand there, a little jealous of their relationship.

"Did you tell Kian and Gabby that it's time to eat?" The brunette woman asks.

My best friend nods, "Yep. They said they'll be down after the robot is defeated. I don't know how long that'll take though." Ms. Kooper rolls her eyes and walks out of the room. A moment later we hear her call up to her youngest children, telling them to come downstairs.

"Rena, I have to warn you, Gabby and Kian might go a little crazy when they see you. They are huge Masked Star fans, in case you forgot," Gracie warns, glancing nervously at the entrance to the kitchen.

"I'm fine, Gracie. They're nine and seven years old. How much damage can they do anyways?" I tease, linking my arm with hers. She laughs and hugs me tightly.

"Rena!" Two high pitched voices scream. Next thing I know, Gabby and Kian are holding onto my legs tightly and grinning up at me.

"We missed you so much, Rena!" Kian shouts.

"How could you not tell us that you're Masked Star?" Gabby demands.

"Alright you two, let go of her," Gracie commands, pulling her brother off of my leg. I laugh and hug Gabby.

"I call dibs on sitting by Rena!" Kian screeches, making sure everyone in the neighborhood can hear him. Gabby pouts and lets go of my leg. Kian sticks his tongue out at her, then goes running off. Gabby follows behind him.

"I'm back too, you know!" Gracie shouts to siblings.

I laugh, "I'm sure they missed you too, Gracie."

"No they didn't. When I'm not here, their favorite babysitter comes over to watch them," she pouts as we walk to the dining room. I giggle some more and throw my arm around her shoulders.


"So how's the new apartment coming, girls?" Ms. Kooper inquires, scooping vegetables onto Gabby's plate while she makes a face.

"Good. Even though someone is too busy to help me decorate it," Gracie complains. I laugh at her comment.

"I'd love to stop by and see it. Work has just been so hectic lately. I've barely even seen my own home," she jokes, smiling widely at us. I smile back, just now noticing the bags under her eyes. My heart goes out for her. I know how hard she's had it for the past seven years.

"If you'd like, we could have Gabby and Kian over for a couple days if you want," I offer, nudging Gracie's leg under the table.

"Just so that you can have a bit of a break, mom. I know you're stressed out," Gracie continues.

"Can we go over to their house mommy?" Kian begs, giving his mother his best puppy eyes. I know if I was her, I wouldn't be able to resist those eyes.

"I suppose. But only if you two behave for Gracie and Rena. And if they're sure that it's alright," Ms. Kooper adds on, glancing over at us. We nod, making Gabby and Kian cheer loudly. Their mother smiles gratefully at us.

"What movie are you going to be in, Rena?" Gabby questions, changing the subject.

"I'm not allowed to tell you," I tell her, pouting, "Disney won't let me tell anyone." She and Kian mimic my pout.

"Why didn't you tell us that Rena is Maksed Star?" Kian asks Gracie, "I thought you loved us."

"That's enough, Kian!" Ms. Kooper scolds, giving him a stern look, "I'm sorry about that, Rena. I told them not to bring it up."

"It's fine, Ms. Kooper. I really don't mind," I tell her honestly.

"She wouldn't let me tell you," Gracie answers, "I wanted to, but Rena said no."

"You actually knew?" Gabby replies, her eyes wide.

Gracie gasps, "Of course I knew! I am her best friend. Who do you think it is that is always standing by her side? You know the girl in the pink mask? That's me!"

"Really?" Kian screeches.

Gracie nods, proud that she won the attention of the seven and nine year old, "Yep. And I just got back from touring with Masked Lynch. That's why I was gone so long!"

"That's why you were gone, huh? Not because you were at space camp?" Ms. Kooper speaks up, giving Gracie the evil eye. I snicker under my breath.

"Sorry mom," Gracie apologizes, "but I had to supervise Rena and her boyfriend while we were on tour so I could make sure they didn't do anything inappropriate-"

"Supervise us? You were awful at your job the-"

"Quiet Rena. Anyways, the point to the story is, Rena wouldn't let me tell you the truth," she finishes. I give her an exasperated sigh, making her mom laugh at us.

"I understand," Ms. Kooper says, "you were just trying to be a good friend." Gracie nods her head wildly, trying to get out of trouble.

"Gracie!" Gabby calls, getting her older sister's attention, "I lost another tooth while you were gone!" I bite my lip and push my food around my plate while I listen to Gabby tell Gracie how she lost the tooth. I miss being able to tell my siblings little things like this and watch them get all excited. Too bad the boys and mom and dad had to go and ruin that.

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