Chapter 53

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Rena's POV

"What?" Rydel demands, shocked.

"I broke up with Thomas," I repeat, hating those five words even more the second time.

"I heard you the first time, Rena. Why did you break up with him?" My sister elaborates, her eyes still wide.

"He and I have been fighting like crazy ever since he left. We're not paranoid about what each other is doing and I'd rather break up with him now and still have him as a friend than keep arguing as a couple and lose him altogether," I explain quietly as more tears roll down my cheeks. Shouldn't I have cried all of my tears by now?

"I'm so sorry, Rena," Gracie mumbles, leaning her head against mine, "I should've been here for you."

I shake my head no, "It's fine. I'm fine. I'm just- hurting. All I need is a few days to get over Tho- the boy I'm not going to mention and then I'll be fine."

"Are you lying for yourself or for us?" Rydel asks, frowning at me. I sigh and shrug my shoulders.

"Why don't we just forget the pizza and burgers, huh? We've got a shit ton of ice cream in the freezer and a buttload of candy in the cabinets. We can binge watch the Harry Potter movies and you can pause it every five seconds to tell us what they did in the book verses in the movie. Doesn't that sound good?" Gracie offers, trying to bribe me into leaving my bedroom.

I sigh in defeat, "You win. Are you going to stay, Delly?"

"Of course! I'll even spend the night if you need me to!" Rydel exclaims, hugging me tightly.

"I'd like that," I say, my throat hoarse. She hugs me tighter.

"Let's go get you re-hydrated before we even think about getting out the ice cream," Gracie instructs, being the mom friend that she is. I groan, but don't verbally complain as she drags me out of bed and down the hallway to the kitchen so that I can get a drink of water.


"About time you three woke up. We've been waiting in the hallway for what feels like forever," Ellington complains, putting a plastic bag with more junk food in it up on the counter.

"You texted me saying that you were here five minutes ago. You weren't in the hallway for more than five minutes," Rydel laughs, walking over to Ellington. Gracie is playing with Sam and Daisy while Rocky watches, laughing. I sigh and walk back to my room to get dressed.

"How are you doing?" Rocky inquires, startling me. He followed me down the hallway apparently.

"Fine," I snap, not in the mood to talk about it, "I have to get dressed now."

"Why? I thought you were just staying home with Gracie all day," he elaborates, frowning.

"No, I have filming today and every other day up through Thursday," I inform him.

"Why don't you call in sick or something, Rena? You are obviously still hurti-"

"Of course I'm still hurting, Rocky! I broke up with the boy I have loved for the past two years! But I can't put my life on hold or ask the producers to put the whole movie on hold because of a break up!" I explode, shaking slightly. Rocky recoils, shocked at my outburst. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I push my bedroom door closed so that I can get changed.

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