Chapter 61

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Rena's POV

"How about this? You, you don't mean no harm but you're stringin' me along
And I don't have the time to spare
And I, I'm trying hard to breathe
But you're suffocating me this time I'm coming up for air. Does that sound okay?" Shawn asks, strumming his guitar as he sings.

I blink, bringing my self back to reality, "Yeah, um, yeah. That sounds great."

"Rena are you okay?" He questions, frowning at me.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be okay?" I demand, getting defensive. Someone out in the hallway drops a box, making me jump up, my heart racing.

He raises an eyebrow at me, "You're really nervous and jumpy today. You didn't act like that at all while we were on set for Descendants. Or in the studio for the soundtrack. Are you sure you're fine?"

I sigh and shake my head no, my hands tangled in my hair, "I'm such a mess. I just can't concentrate. I'm so nervous and jumpy because my best friend's boyfriend is basically stalking me because he thinks we have undeniable chemistry or some shit like that. Every little thing I hear and see is him coming to get me. I-" I cut myself off and pull the sleeves of my leather jacket up slightly, exposing my wrists. "Last night he came into my apartment and was trying to make a move. I pushed him away, but he grabbed my wrists. This was the aftermath." They're bruised. Shawn's eyes go wide.

"What a dick!" He exclaims, attracting Brody's attention. I shush him.

"Brody knows that Reed was there, but not about this," I whisper, pulling my sleeves back down. "I don't want him to know about it either."

"Rena-" I cut Shawn off.

"Please. I trusted you with this. Don't tell him." He sighs, but nods.

"You said this Reed dude was your best friend's boyfriend?" Shawn asks. I nod. "What the hell? Why is she still with him?"

"She thinks I'm just missing Thomas and being jealous everytime I tell her that he's bad news. She likes him. I haven't told her about this yet. Shawn, it'll break her heart. Reed is Gracie's first boyfriend and he is only using her to try to get to me. She'll be crushed."

"Well you need to tell her before she gets even more hurt," he argues.

I sigh and nod, "I know. But I want to tell her in person. Let's just get back to writing, okay?"

"No. You need a break and it's lunch time. Let's go to In-N-Out or something," Shawn tells me as he stands up.

"But I don't want to," I whine.

"But I do," he mocks, offering me his hand. I pout. "Oh come on, Rena. It'll be fun. And Brody and I will watch your back and make sure that jackass doesn't come anywhere near you, okay?"

"Fine," I sigh, taking his hand. Shawn pulls me to my feet, then we go to get Brody.


"That's not how I left that," I mutter, looking at the shoes by the front door that are moved aside.

"You get back," Brody commands, pushing me behind him. I don't argue. We silently move deeper into my apartment.

"Hey Rena!" A cheery voice exclaims. Brody rushes forward and puts the owner in a headlock.

"Brody it's okay," I jump in, "That's only my brother." My body guard releases Ryland from the headlock.

"What the hell was that about?" Ry demands, confused.

"I'm sorry about that," Brody apologizes, patting Ryland on the shoulder.

"Gracie's boyfriend tried to attack me last night and basically threatened to stalk me," I sum up, picking up Daisy as she comes running over to me. Ryland rushes over and hugs Daisy and I tightly.

"Are you okay?" My younger brother demands. "I swear to God, if he laid a finger on you I'l-"

"I'm fine, Ryland," I mutter. I see Brody shake his head no to my brother out of the corner of my eye. "Seriously! I'm fine!"

"Rena, stop lying to yourself. You were extremely jumpy all day at the studio and at lunch," Brody cuts in, not taking my bull shit.

"That's because I was tired," I lie. Well, I am tired. I didn't sleep very well last night.

"Then go to bed now. We'll both just chill here until you wake up," Ryland promises. I groan, but walk down to my bedroom since I know there's no point in arguing with the two of them. 

Gracie's POV

"Hey babe," Reed greets as soon as I open the front door.

"Oh, um, hi Reed. What are you doing here?" I ask, brushing my hair behind my ears as I move aside to let him into the house. He walks in, closing the door behind him.

"Gracie, sweetie, who was at the- oh. Hi there," mom says, smiling at Reed. "I'm Gracie's mom."

"I'm Reed," he replies, ignoring her hand, "Gracie's boyfriend." Mom raises an eyebrow at me. I mentally will for her to go check on Gabby and Kian. She does.

"So what exactly are you doing here?" I ask again, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"I have some bad news," he answers. My stomach flips. I wait for him to continue patiently. "I went over to your apartment last night to try to see you since I forgot that you were here. When I got there, Rena pulled me inside and started saying shit about the chemistry she and I have. Then she tired to make a move on me. Gracie, I promise to you that I didn't let her. I just wanted to tell you the truth before she tries to twist the story so it makes her seem like the good guy." I stand there with my mouth slightly ajar. Reed holds onto my hands tightly, a small smirk on his face. My heart sinks.

"Reed," I start, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah?" He replies, trying to maintain a serious expression.

"You are nothing but a lying bastard! I told you when I was going to be here and I watched you mark those days on your calendar. All of this time Rena has been trying to warn me about you and I didn't listen to her. I defended you! Now you go and try to hook up with my best friend! You're a dick!" I yell, shoving him away. Reed stumbles backwards into the wall. "Get the hell out of my mom's house!" I command. He glares at me, then storms out. I close the door, then sink down to the ground, hating myself for not listening to Rena.

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