Chapter 33

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Rena's POV

"I'm not so sure about this," I mumble, leaning back against Tommy's chest.

He rubs my arms, "You've got this, babe. It's just like ripping a band aid off."

"The last time I ripped it off I got into a screaming match with my parents," I remind him, my frown deepening, "maybe we should just reschedule."

"Not going to happen, sweetie," Julia cuts in, "between filming and recording, you are pretty booked for the next couple months. Not to mention all of the publicity Disney is going to be having you do once the full cast is released. By the way, you aren't allowed to mention the name of the movie, your character's name, or tell them about the plot." I nod, taking another deep breath, my heart racing.

"Hey!" Gracie calls, poking her head into my dressing room, "You're on in a minute. Let's go." I swallow hard.

"Relax, Rena," Thomas soothes, "just like ripping a band aid off."

"Except the band aid is a mask," I retaliate. He laughs and kisses me before Gracie grabs my arm and yanks me out of the dressing room and over to the stage.

"Remember Rena, if you need any of us while you're our there, just say so. Justine and Troy already know that they might have to bring more people out and they're okay with it. Just tell them," Gracie instructs me, holding onto my arms and making me look her in the eye, "And don't forget that you're a queen and this is nothing."

"I don't feel good," I tell her.

"You're just getting into your own head. Come on, Rena," Gracie urges, hugging me tightly, "you're the bravest person I know. Go kick this reveal in the ass." I crack a smile and nod as one of the stage crew gently pushes me out onto the set. The lights temporarily blind me, even though I still have the mask on. I squint and nervously wave at the crowd as I make my way over to the couch for guests.

"There she is!" Justine shouts over my fans, "Little miss superstar! She's slowly taking over the world by storm, Masked Star!" The crowd starts screaming again. I blush and wave some more, wishing I could hide into my hoodie. If I tried, Gracie would probably come out here and take it away.

"Star, you just finished your tour right?" Troy asks, smiling kindly at me.

I start to relax a little bit more, "Yeah. It's been about two weeks since the tour finished and as good as it is to be home, I miss being on tour and seeing so many of my fans."

"How was touring with R5? We've had them on the show a few times and they seem like great people," Justine mentions, smiling. They are trying to help get me more comfortable before they announce that I'm taking the mask off. That's why I love these two.

"Tour with them was fun," I say, putting a fake smile on. The two free get the message and drop the subject.

"So Star," Troy starts, leaning forward a bit, "you said that you are going to be taking the mask off today during our interview. What made you want to do that?" The fans are screaming their heads off again. I laugh and mess with the sleeves of my hoodie.

"I got a movie role in a new DCOM. Before you ask, I'm not allowed to tell you the name of it or my character or literally anything else about the movie. Sorry," I laugh, finally opening up. Thomas and Gracie were right. It is just like ripping a band aid off.

"That's exciting! Are you sure you can't give us any details?" Justine asks, just playing with me. I grin and shake my head no.

"Well we'll be on the look out for future announcements," Troy promises me. I nod.

That's when the world seemed to almost slow down. A feeling appears in my gut and one thought flashes in my mind: it's time. It's time to take the mask off. I'm ready for it too.

I glance over and see Thomas and Gracie standing in the wing, waiting to walk out if I need them. I look over and see Justine and Troy talking, but I can't her what they're saying. I know my family and Ellington are at their homes, watching this interview now.

I sigh softly to myself, then reach up and grab the bottom of my blue mask. I yank it up and it comes off of my face and head. Whatever Troy and Justine are saying stops. The entire audience goes silent. I feel my skin heat up as more spotlights are turned to me. All of the cameras are on me.

My secret is now out.

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