Chapter 31

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Rena's POV

"She's just been like that ever since you guys got back here?" Gracie asks softly to Thomas, Rydel, and Ellington.

"Almost," Thomas answers, his arms crossed over his chest.

"We brought her up here, she grabbed clothes and got changed before coming out of the bathroom, grabbing the bear, and sitting down. After she went ten minutes without answering us or even acknowledging our presence, we called you guys," Ellington elaborates, glancing over at me nervously. The other three mimic his action. I just sit there, holding onto my stuffed bear, Tommy, as hard as I can.

"She's not answering when you talk to her," Rydel double checks. The boys nod. "Alright. I'm going to go try to talk to her."

"Good luck," Gracie calls.

Rydel walks over and kneels down in front of me, "Rena, I need you to talk to me. What's wrong?" I keep my mouth closed. "Come on sis."

"We think she's in shock. From what happened at your parents house," Ellington tells Rydel, walking over to his girlfriend. "Rena, your parents, and your brothers got into a screaming match."

"That would've been helpful to know in the first place," Gracie snaps, hitting Thomas in the arm.

"Hey," Rocky says, walking into the apartment, "I'm here. What's wrong?"

"Rena is broken," Ellington replies, "your parents and brothers practically exploded at her. She held her ground and didn't back down once."

"Poor Rena," Gracie says, sitting down beside me, "I don't even want to say that I told her so. I hate seeing her like this."

"Hey little sis," Rocky greets, sitting down on the floor in front of me.

"Please talk to us, Rena," Thomas pleads, sitting on the arm rest of the couch. I just sit there, holding onto my bear.

"I really can't believe that mom and dad were pissed at her," Rocky mumbles to Rydel, "If I had known how they were going to react, I wouldn't have pushed her to tell them so much."

"I'm not defending them, but they're probably just hurt that she didn't originally tell them. We can give them all a few days to cool off and then we can try to talk to them again. All five of us will go with you this time, Rena," Rydel promises, resting her hand on my knee.

"No," I say, finally moving and talking, "I'm not going to give them a few days to cool off, I'm not going to talk to them, and I'm not going back. I won't. I can't go through that again, Delly."

"Come on, Rena. They're our fami-"

"No. They screamed at me, called me a liar, talked shit about me behind my back, and I just can't do it, Rydel. I can't face them again," I cry, the wound reopening.

"It's alright," Thomas soothes, "you don't have to."

"Why don't you stay out of this?" Rocky demands, glaring at him, "This is kind of a family issue. You have no place in telling her that she doesn't have to talk to our parents again."

"Rocky!" Gracie and Rydel shout, shocked at his behavior.

"That is not cool," Ell scolds.

"It's true. Honestly guys, Rena is going to eventually going to have to talk them again. They are our brothers and parents," Rocky defends.

"Really? You're going to sit here and tell her that she is going to be forced back to talk to them? After all the shit that your parents and brothers just put her though?" Thomas demands, defending me.

"I'm not going to force her. She'll come around," he persists.

"Hey Rena," Gracie says, grabbing my arm, "let's go to the other room. You don't have another argument in you right now." She pulls me up and leads me away from the oncoming fight between my brother and boyfriend.

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