Chapter 50

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Rena's POV

"Can we adopt them all?" Gracie asks me, holding onto my arm tightly as we look at the different dogs in the animal shelter. "Please? I know out apartment is big enough for all of them!"

"Neither of us has the time to take care of them all though," I laugh, "Imagine all of the bathroom trips we'd have to make for them all. Trust me."

"You're no fun," she lowers her voice to a whisper, "Rena Lynch." So far no one has recognized me today and we both want to keep it that way. Gracie knows better than to shout my name while we're in public.

"Dude, I totally want to get all of the dogs here too. But it's really not possible, Gracie. It would be a mess," I explain, defending myself. She ignores me by looking back and forth at all of the dogs.

"Oh my God, Rena!" Gracie screams, tightening her grip on my arm. "Look at that one! Holy shit! I need him!" She runs forward, yanking my arm out of its socket as she drags me along. She stops outside of the kennel door and drops my arm. Gracie opens the cage door and walks inside, shutting it behind her. My best friend drops down to the floor as the puppy climbs all over her, licking her face and hands while his tail goes crazy.

"Oh my goodness," she laughs, "I think you want to go home with me as much as I want you to go home with me." The dog licks her nose, making Gracie laugh even harder. I grin at the two of them, then walk down a little farther before a dog catches my eye.

I stop and move closer to the kennel, my eyes wide. I hold my hand out for her to sniff, which does before she start a licking my fingers. I laugh and open the door to the kennel before I go inside.

"Hi there baby," I whisper to the dog. She crawls on my lap and licks my face, just like the other dog did to Gracie. I laugh and scratch between her ears, making her tail go wild.

"How are you ladies doing?" Jan asks, walking into the room.

"I found mine!" Gracie shouts. I hear footsteps as she walks out of the cage. I pick up the dog and follow her lead.

Jan smiles, "Sam and Daisy are both great dogs. Are you two ready to go fill out adoption paper work?"

"Yeah," Gracie and I answer in unison.


"Has Thomas called you today? 'Cause if he hasn't, then we can introduce him to Sam and Daisy when he does," Gracie chirps as we walk back to our apartment.

"He hasn't called today," I answer, "But I wouldn't wait around for him to call."

"Why not?" My best friend inquires, grabbing my arm.

I swallow hard and avoid her gaze, "He hasn't called me in a few days and I don't want to call him. I mean, the last time we talked we argued. I don't want to argue again."

"I'm sure he'll call in a couple days," Gracie assures me as we start walking again.

I shrug, "I don't know about that."

"Well I am. So what are we doing for dinner?" She questions, holding the door to our apartment building open for me. We both walk inside and towards the elevator, leading Sam and Daisy through the small crowd of people.

"No idea. I think Rydel is coming over to hang out later, but I am supposed to be running lines with Cameron over the phone in about fifteen minutes," I inform her.

"So Rydel and I can go pick up pizza or something while you do that so hat you can have peace and quiet. I'll take Sam too so that he won't make a lot of noise while exploring. Do you want me to take Daisy as well?" Gracie offers.

"Nah. She'll be a good girl. Won't you baby?" I ask my puppy. She was her tail and jumps up on my legs. I laugh and pet her head.

"Daisy looks like an Oreo," Gracie states as we walk into the apartment. I laugh loudly and shove her lightly. She grins and pushes me back.

"About time you two got here. I've been waiting forever," Rydel whines.

"Then why did you stay?" I question, kicking off my shoes. I unclip Daisy from her leash. She runs off to explore. Sam does the same.

"I was waiting for you, sis. Are you dog sitting?"

"No, we adopted dogs. Mine is Sam and hers is Daisy," Gracie pipes up, "by the way, you and I are in charge of going go get dinner while Rena runs lines with Cameron."

"Sounds like fun. Let's go," Rydel immediately replies, already standing up. Gracie re-hooks Sam to the leash and they leave. I get changed into my pajamas and sit down at my desk. Daisy curls up in a ball at my feet. I smile and scratch her ear, making her tail thump against the floor.

"Silly boys," I mutter to her, glancing at the time, "they are always late. Or almost always." She just lays here contently. After what felt like forever, my phone starts to ring. I answer.

"I am so sorry that I called late," Cameron apaologizes right away, "I was watch TV earlier and I fell asleep and then overslept. I am so sorry, Rena."

"It's all good, Cameron," I assure him as I sit down on the floor by Daisy. She rests her head on my leg. "I was just hanging out with my dog."

"That sounds like fun. When did you get a dog?"

"Earlier today. Gracie and I went and each adopted a dog. Her's is named Sam and mine is Daisy. Anyways, are you ready to run lines?"

"Yeah. Are we starting with the museum scene?"

"Yeah, I t-" my phone starts to ring again. "Give me one second." I click on the screen and see that Thomas is calling me. I almost hit the answer button right away. Then I remember Cameron. If Thomas can wait days before calling me, he can wait another half and hour. I deny his call.

"Is everything okay?" Cameron questions, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," I answer, "I'm good. Are you ready?"


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