Chapter 44

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There's a history of heartbreak tucked in the crease of her eyes; a museum of moments that she'd just watch pass by her, and by each tear that escaped her held the thing she left unsaid. So, the words she never spoke stained her dampened cheek instead.

She said nothing any further, words weren't strong enough to convey what she felt and somehow he knew it. He wanted no more words, not that he understood them, they came from deep within her, in pieces, to a man who knew nothing except that he wanted to listen all she had to say, somewhere thankful that she shared.

It took her a while to pull back herself. She sniffled a couple of few times.

"You know, you just ruined your makeup in crying." he added, examining that she was calming down.

"Don't worry" 


"It's water proof" she said in between of her sniffling.

"What?" he chuckled making her giggle a little when she realized what she said. She raised her head up from his shoulder only for him to get hold of her again, placing her head back between the crook of his neck, "No, you can't get up. You are my prisoner for today."

This time, it was different for her. Fuck butterflies! She felt a whole zoo in her stomach and her cheeks were nothing near to pink, they were in high shades of crimson red.

"What a flirt" she murmured while he allowed his blissfull smile to be hidden by the mask.



The sand is the most gentle hue of gold, as gentle on the eye as a vintage photograph. I love this place. I love the driftwood that comes upon the buoyant waves as tiny rescue boats. Then there is the seaweed, that flora of those salty waves, as deeply green as any high summer foliage. My favourite though, of everything is that I am here is by her side.

I looked at her and she was... asleep? My eyes widened as I confirmed that she was sleeping. "Kaylie?" I whispered.

What am I doing, not even a person in his complete senses could hear me now and I am expecting her to wake up?

"K-" I said, a bit loud but something urged me to stop. She probably hadn't slept for some time, it must have been hard, seeing how she could just sleep sitting. I just could not make myself to shake off her peaceful slumber.

She moved a little as her lips moved in sync, I watched her. She wasn't just pretty. She was otherworldly and vaguely threatening. I inhaled a huge sum of air, involuntarily, as my body went stiff under the touch of her unconscious self.

I leaned back, the stars were already in the sky and the dim white moonlight covered the landscape. She glowed beautifully inspite of all the dark that she carried. She was beautiful, but her looks never stood a chance compared to how breathtaking her soul was.

Am I being too much? But believe me, she made me feel that.



I woke up and my eyes weren't ready still to be opened to the light, my eyelids were heavy and my head pounded. I created a small entrance for light to enter into my eyes only to realize it was already starry.

My eyes jolted open as I felt someone leaning to me. And there he was sleeping. I moved a little farther from him and as a result he fell on my lap. And that was awkward but he was still sleeping. I saw my little bag's strap snaking his forearm, basically for it not to be stolen. He moved a little and I gulped instinctively.

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