" Chapter 5 "

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"I think the little young master also likes grapes."
I heard her say. I smiled and rubbed my belly. Little traitor. Staying in my belly and likes to eat his daddy's favourites.

"When the young master's mother was pregnant with him, she also loved to eat grapes. Only grapes." She smiled and looked at my belly. My belly was not big but I had a small bump.

"When will the young master come again?" I asked. Aunty Selcan's facial expressions changed as she heard what I asked.

"Young master won't come again. His job is done and he doesn't have permission to come here again." What? Doesn't have permission? What kind of nonsense is that?

"He's the father of this child. Why can't he come?" What kind of a father is he, if he can't come to see his own baby?

"Young master has works. He's a busy man. Don't think that you can start a relationship with him because of the baby." I wanted to laugh. A relationship? I haven't even seen that man. How am I supposed to start a relationship with him? I didn't talk with her more, just simply nodded because I didn't want to argue with this woman. He will definitely come.

As she went out of the room I laid back on the bed and stroked my belly. He should come because I have to save my brother. I will wait no matter what and no matter what they told me about him.


Time flew and I'm already nine months pregnant. I can't do anything with this huge belly. Doctors confirmed that the baby is a boy and this little guy is making things hard for me. Always kicking me and moving. I have no idea how I am going to leave him because he's mine and he's growing inside my body. I just... I'm just not ready to let go of this little life. As for my baby's father, he never came. I waited and I'm still waiting but he didn't come for the whole nine months. Omer's health got worse last month because he didn't get his surgery till now. Why are these people so heartless? Am I going to give my baby to this heartless family? My tears came out because I was just helpless.

"No, your daddy will come baby." I placed my hand on my belly and I could feel him moving. Every time I mention the word 'daddy' he starts to move, maybe he's happy. Suddenly a sharp pain came as I screamed. The baby is coming, but didn't they tell me that my delivery is next week?

"What's wrong?" I heard Aunty Selcan's voice when I was about to talk and I felt something broken.

"Oh my god! The baby!" Aunty Selcan yelled as she came and tried to pick me up. Then two men came and took me into the car as they drove to the hospital. I can't go through the pain. It hurts like hell. Aunty Selcan was squeezing my hands.

"I...I...can't Aunty...it...hurts." I sobbed because of the pain. Did my mother go through this when she gave birth to us?

"Be strong Asiye." She said as she caressed my hair. We reached the hospital. Then they put me into the ward and doctors came in. I was scared.

"Calm down Asiye. Now push the baby." I nodded at them and started to push but the pain was something I couldn't ignore. My body was covered with sweat and finally, after an hour, I gave birth to my little baby boy. I smiled as I heard him cry.

"Can...I..see?" I asked as a nurse gave him to me. He is the most tiny and cutest human I have ever seen in my entire life. Just so beautiful. I took him into my arms and looked at him carefully. He slowly opened his eyes and those were green. Gorgeous. I think he looks like his daddy. Suddenly, my heart was covered with a bitter feeling because I won't see him after today. Unintentionally tears came out of my eyes as I looked at him.

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