" Chapter 14 "

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~ Asiye ~

"Wh.. who are you?" I asked. I didn't want to think. No.. it can't be... How could it even be possible? Maybe this man is a friend of the man from three years ago. I forced myself to think like that because I was scared...

"What do you think? Hmm?" He was still smirking at me. I don't understand...

"Let me go!" I spoke while trying to push him away but I couldn't even move him. Is he a statue or something?

"Let you go? Why? Is it that hard to accept the truth from three years ago?" Why? Why does he keep reminding me of this?

"What does it have to do with you?" I asked him because I was angry.

"Of course I have to do something with it." He is dangerous. Of course he should be dangerous because he's Doruk Atakul... I turned my face away from him but he again forced me to look at him.

"Who are you?" I asked again, hiding my fear I had for him.

"Of course the man you sold your virginity to." With that he kissed me. What? Me heart ached as my mind showed me what happened three years ago and how I waited for him. Unknowingly tears welled up in my eyes. So this is him. The man who made me lose the most important person in my life. The man I hated the most over these three years. Bastard... Heartless beast... He stopped kissing me and looked down at me. His eyes changed as he saw my face.

"So it was you?" I asked him again. He placed his hand on my face and started to caress my face. The hatred of three years took over me as I slapped him hard across his face again.

"BASTARD! Give my child back, you murderer! I hate you! I hate your whole damn family!" I clutched his shirt and asked. Tears rolled down from my eyes as I remembered Omer and my baby. It was all this man's fault. He failed to come and I was waiting for him.

"What? Am I a murderer? Then what about you? You're the murderer and not me." He pressed me against the wall tightly and spoke. I'm a murderer? No? How? It was you and your family bastard...

"I'm not a murderer... It was you... I waited......" I couldn't hold my cries back. The pain I was hiding for three years. I lost my brother and my baby. Isn't it all because of this man?

"What?" He asked as he caught my chin again. Ouch... It hurts.

"Give me my child back. You owe me two lives." I looked straight into his eyes and spoke.

"I owe you two lives? Ha... It was you who killed him. You didn't pay money." With that he threw me onto the sofa and climbed on top of me. He even knew what happened to my brother... Was it all my fault?

"Isn't it all because of you?" I asked him as he smirked at me again.

"Because of me? Huh... Not because of me, that happened because of you." What the hell is he talking about? Crazy bastard.

"I don't give a fuck Doruk... Give me my child back or I'll take him with me. A monster like you doesn't deserve to be my baby's father." With that I pushed him away and got up from the sofa but my hand was caught by him again.

"Care to repeat what you just called me?" A sudden shiver ran through my body as I saw his eyes. So attractive but dangerous.

"Doruk Atakul. A monster. A heartless beast and a murder." I smirked at him and shook his hand away from my hand as I turned to leave but before I could walk away he caught me from my waist and threw me onto the bed.

"HA... I'll show you what this heartless beast can do... Hmm?" He was smirking at me while unbuttoning his shirt. What is he going to do? Fear took over me as he took off his shirt and climbed onto the bed. Urghhh his body... I couldn't even look away from his body.

"What... what are you doing?" I asked with my trembling voice. I was scared... I was really scared of this man...

"What am I doing? I'm gonna screw you here and show you how heartless I can be." No... He's not going to rape me right? My mind was a mess and I was scared. He climbed on top of my body as he removed the bathrobe from my body. Noo...

"Noo... Let me go!" I struggled because I didn't want... Why am I so pathetic? I felt so sorry for myself as I looked at his emotionless face.

"Please... Don't do this... You can't do this." I found myself crying as he took off his pants.

"I'm sorry for... shouting at you... Please... Don't." I struggled and tried to break free but I couldn't fight against his strong muscular body.

"Why? Are you afraid now? But you were so brave a few minutes ago." His evil smile never faded as he looked at me. Why is this man like this? He was handsome and had everything but why can't he be kind?

"Ahhhh...." Pain ran through my lower body as he entered inside me. Without caring about my cries he started to move. He started to kiss my lips but I quickly avoided his kisses. I knew I made him angry again. He forced me to look at him and smirked. Tears never stopped coming from my eyes not only because of the physical pain he's giving me but also the pain and heartbreak he caused me three years ago. I clutched the quilt so tightly because I didn't want to touch this man...

"I hate you... I hate you for raping me... I hate you for taking my child away from me... I hate you for making me lose the most important thing I had... I hate you for threatening me by using those small children... I hate you for everything you caused me... Doruk Atakul I hate you." I spoke through my tears and closed my eyes. Bastard I'll never forgive you...

"What did you say? Threatened you?" I didn't want to talk to him or look at him. I stayed without speaking to him.

"Answer me..." He said again. I opened my eyes and looked at him but I didn't want to talk. I looked at his eyes. My baby had the same ocean blue eyes as him and the same blonde light brownish hair.

"I said fucking answer me!" He's angry... Crazy man. I looked away from his eyes and turned my face away as I heard him chuckle.

"Alright... You're not speaking to me... I'll make you scream." With that he speedened his movements. I bit my lower lip because I don't want to make any sound and it hurts too much. I knew he's hurting me intentionally. His thrusts became harder and faster as he buried his face against my neck. What kind of stamina does this man have? He's not even tired after doing it for the whole night and again he's doing it like it's nothing. Pervert. Suddenly I heard a sound like something was breaking and I noticed it came from the bed.

"Shit... Even if this bed broke I won't stop fucking you. I waited for three years." He said as he started to kiss and lick my breasts. I closed my eyes and let him do what he wanted. Anyways I'll take my child back with me. I sighed and decided to sleep because I wanted to forget the pain he's giving me now.

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