Chapter 4

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Two days have passed since the two Ambassadors witnessed the United States in person, and came to understand more about them. For starters, they were now beginning to truly believe they came from another world. The questions were, why and how?

Right now Garcia was approaching the senate chambers as he and Franco would give their debuts on their findings of this mysterious country. The two large doors boomed open and the many members of the senate who were speaking amongst each other silenced and watched as Garcia walked in, hundreds of eyes on him at once as he stood in the center of the room.

"We gather here today under the notice of a new nation that has appeared off our coast!" The Senate Councilman declared as his voice boomed across the room. "Two days ago, two senators were sent to explore and learn from this new nation and return to us their findings. Before us is Senator Garcia of foreign affairs, one of the two members sent to this United States of America. Sir Garcia, will you share with the senate your views and findings?"

Everyone including Emperor Felipe IV leaned in to listen as Garcia began letting off his voice. "Senate, I come before you bringing my view of the many wondrous experiences I had while at this new nation. They are a rather large country, with their borders expanding across an entire continent, much larger than ours. They claim to originate from another world, and by what I've learned of their history and by my experiences, I have come to believe these claims are true."

Immediately the Senate began to erupt into discussion before the councilman banged his gavel. "Order! There will be order in this session! Senator Garcia, please continue."

"As far as I am aware, they just came out of a massive war and a devastating chain of events that occurred after, leaving them in a state of recovery as their old world was left in ruins. However, they are relatively friendly and would rather start on good terms with other nations instead of being hostile. Also strangely, they have no culture of their own to
speak of, rather being a mix of different cultures in one large society."

"A mix of different cultures? How can one nation have a mix of different cultures?" One of the senators asked as Garcia gave a response. "Their entire civilization is racially diverse, having originated from immigration across their world many years in the past. How these mixed cultures even get along so well is beyond me, but it would seem they put the needs of the people before anything else."

"What of their government? How is it that they rule their country?"
"What are their intentions?"

"The Americans have a rather confusing government. Although I can safely say they have no monarchy or nobility to speak of, and rather prefer a more democratic and electoral system where an individual, called the President, will political knowledge is elected and voted for by the states and the people, with many candidates being able to run for the title." Garcia explained as it caused another uproar.

"That sounds like a lot of nonsense! To have a leader run purely off of support from the people would be disastrous! Just like that Armile Republic nation that's become a land of anarchy and corruption!"

"This is understandable. Even they admit their government structure is never perfect, with several incidents being documented from corruption or incompetence within their government heads. As for their intentions, they seem eager to take part in trade, offering many domestically produced goods in exchange for both knowledge and goods we domestically produce."

"What kind of goods are they willing to offer us?" Felipe IV asked the senator from his seat above as Garcia pulled back his sleeve and revealed the stunning crafted wristwatch given to him by the Americans. "These are what they have in their offer. It's a wristwatch much like the ones developed by the Métropoleons, however, they are more compact, light-weight, silent, and cheaper than any wristwatch created by the Métropoleon Kingdom."

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